Chapter 1- Friends, Foes, Family

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I cling to Duncan’s arm as we walk through the gardens of my home castle. Since I was a Princess, I couldn’t leave to go see him. But he could come and see me. My parents were always pleased, for our union meant the merge of the kingdoms. I was happy too.

“What would you like to do?” Duncan asks me, sitting on a stone bench.

I sit next to him and shrug. “I don’t know.” I say truthfully. “Will you tell me more about those blow dart things you were explaining the other day?” I ask excitedly. Because I was not only a Princess, but a woman, I couldn’t learn how to use any weapon.

He smiles brilliantly at me and it makes my heart feel light with happiness. “I can do that.” He says and starts to describe how they work. He tells me how it’s useful to take hostages from range, or if you’re like me and don’t want to kill they work too. As he talks he takes my hand in his and I smile listening intently to his every word.

When he’s finished he turns to look at me with sparkling blue green eyes that remind me of the ocean. “Satisfied with your new knowledge Princess?” He teases.

I tap my chin. “Hmmm. I suppose I’m satisfied. For now at least.” I tease right back smiling.

We get up to continue walking when we’re stopped by my friend. Coming out of seemingly nowhere, she lands in front of us, halting our steps forward.

She grabs onto Duncan’s free arm and literally hangs on it, putting all her weight on him. “Hello again Duncy.” She drawls out with an evil teasing smile.

He rolls his eyes, used to this by now. “Hello again Bec.” He says trying to push her off his arm.

She didn’t have a crush on him or anything. No, we were best friends, she wouldn’t do that. But she absolutely loved messing with him anyway. And for some reason, even though he had the power to execute her, he never did anything. Probably because he knew how important she was to me.

“Hey Bec, what are you doing here?” I ask cheerfully as I give her a quick hug.

She grins. “Oh you know, making sure blondey here keeps himself in check.”

He blushes furiously at her comment and I stifle a laugh. “I’m sure I can manage that on my own thank you.” I say causing his face to redden more. “Are you sure you aren’t here to see Tee?” I tease her.

Tee was my friend and assistant who always hung about the castle. He was mute, but a good companion and I liked having him around. Bec and him had been spending a lot of time together, so I tease her about it.

I see a faint blush on her cheeks as well. “Of course not!” She protests then after a moment says, “But now that you mention it, I do think I’ll go say hi.” She says and walks off. Everyone in the castle knew her, so I wasn’t worried. She was the strange girl from the woods. And my best friend.

I look over at Duncan and smile reassuringly at him. “She’s only kidding!” I tell him as I do every time. I ruffle his hair and he blows it out of his face afterwards.

“I know that! She can be awfully annoying though.” He says narrowing his eyes in the direction she went off in.

I laugh. “Yeah, but you put up with her anyway. Another reason I love you.”

He turns back to me and grins. “I love you more.” He says. I would’ve protested but he kisses me so I let him win this time.

“Princess Zoeya,”

I break the kiss to turn and see a guard bowing at me. “Rise.” I tell him. “What is it?” I ask.

“The King and Queen wish to see you in their throne room ma’am.” He informs me.

I nod. “Thank you.” I say and dismiss him. Once he’s gone I sigh. “Probably more wedding plans.” I say a bit annoyed. “I have to go.”

He nods in understanding, being a Prince he knew the same struggles I faced with my parents. “I’ll see you tonight at the feast anyway.” He says brushing some of my fiery hair behind my ear.

I smile. “Yep! See you tonight ‘Duncy’.” I say giggling at the nickname he despised so much.

He narrows his eyes playfully. “Alright Zoeya.” He knew I hated my full name and looked pretty smug after using it.

I roll my eyes and walk off towards the throne room, where I find both my parents waiting. They look impatient.

“You wanted to see me?” I question.

My mother nods. “We must discuss the union with Blacktear.” She says.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Shouldn’t I go get Duncan then?” I ask.

My father shakes his head. “No, no. In fact, this is about him.” He says which makes me more confused. “His parents have made it clear that he is not meant to rule.” He adds.

“What do you mean?” I say.

“We mean that his parents were not going to give him the throne. He is not the eldest. Therefore they wish the union to be between you and their eldest son, Rythian.” My mother tells me.

My eyes widen and I take a step back, shaking my head vigorously. “Why does it matter? I’m still marrying a Prince of Blacktear. I’m in love with Prince Duncan!” I protest.

My father puts a finger to his lips to shush me since I had begun to raise my voice. “Rythian is meant to take the throne of Blacktear, just like you are of Wyndcrest. If we are to have a union, it must be with the correct Prince.”

“That isn’t fair to Duncan or me! I refuse to marry Prince Rythian.” I say crossing my arms defiantly. I’d never demanded anything or stood up against my parents. But I would for this.

“You are no longer betrothed to Prince Duncan, but to Prince Rythian.”

Tears form in my eyes. “No! You can’t do that!” I say pleadingly. “What about the feast for the union tonight?” I ask.

“It will still take place as normal, but Rythian will be by your side instead of Duncan.” My mother tells me.

“Please, don’t do this!”  I beg.

“My dear,” My father says sounding almost sympathetic. “it’s already done.”


Author's Note: Who's awesome? I'm awesome! Who's awesome? I'm awesome! *dances around* xP I actually didn't think I'd get this done/uploaded today because I was up till 2 A.M and woke up at 7! So I got about five hours of sleep. But who needs more then that? Hahahahaha...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! :D I was gonna write in third person but then changed my mind because I'm better at first, just felt like sharing *shrugs*

And yes, for those of you wondering, in this fanfic, Teep is human xD Bec doesn't have a crush on a dinosaur (unfortunately)

Buh bye for now! ~Amber

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