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Though I stood tall, the infestation hit Vancouver hard. The streets littered with the unstoppable disease and sent people off the edge of sanity. Planes, cars and flames bruised the streets of York Ave, and the remains of flesh were scattered here and there, it looked like a zombie apocalypse, but really it was only the War of the End. I stood tall, dodging anything thrown my way, Emmet my brother, had followed me half way through, but was shot down within seconds of reaching Fort Jackson. After that I was alone, not a single soul knew me, Emmet was gone, along with my dad and Stephanie. I never found her to be anything like my mother, but it still hit hard when they bombed our house.

I stopped at the top of the little hill I had climbed and scoped my area, too many people surrounded the fort. Even more looked sick, it was too risky going down there and no way I would be granted access that easily. I turned around and decided to find another route, because I wasn't going down there and putting myself in danger.

I walked a few more steps before pausing at the sound of cracking branches, I walked behind a tree and listened closely. Nobody in sight, I needed to be aware at all times, young girls were getting raped like crazy and some even taken away for pleasures. It made me feel sick to see two men chasing a young girl, surly shed be raped. Her blistering body was red and covered in scrapes, she had no top and the tights she wore were torn and missing pieces, her cries hollered through the trees as she hurried to escape. The men only laughed and walked as if the pain in her eyes didn't faze them, it took everything inside me to build a wall and ignore her pleads, but guilt came like a tidal wave and knocked my barrier down. I rushed out of the trees and pulled the machete that was strapped to my back then sped towards them. The girl stopped, her face went even more pale, I looked behind her almost assuring her I won't touch her.
She fell back and stared at me, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. I looked back at the two men and watched them turn around and scurry away. Anger built inside me and I rushed towards them, full speed and sliced one of them, he fell to the ground and yelled for help as he kicked and punched at me.
The other kept running, as his friend was being gashed at. I have one final blow, seeing his struggling had stopped and stabbed the blade right through his chest.

I turned around and saw the girl stand, her figure was broken, she was pale and looked scared. I wiped both sides of the blade on my army jeans and placed it back in its strap. I slowly walked back to the girl and faced her, tears filled her eyes and a large gash was placed on the right side of her head. She looked no older than 16 and it hurt to just look at her, she was so young; she's probably already been raped. I sighed and pulled out my hand gun.

"Thank you." Was all she said before she smiled into the oblivion. My finger twisted against the trigger, all time stopped and everything was quiet. Her body laid still and she finally looked peaceful, I turned away and ran off to the next fort up north, with tears in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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