Day 1 (2:50)

5 1 0

"4 days"

"Ayyyaaa I'm one second from cussing you out. "

"Go ahead. I'd like to see you try. "


"Eh I could do better"

"God please help this child.

"It should be the other way around. Clean that mouth of hers. "

"I'm a guy. "

"Oh really?! You act more like a girl the a guy. That wouldn't even be an insult for you don't have the balls to do anything.  "

"Curse you. You know I'm a female. You can tell. "

"Female dog is more like it. "

"I already reported your number to the police. "

"I am the police. "

"O.O then why the heck am I given four days for?!"

"To kill your boyfriend he's a murderer"

"I don't have one and your so not the police."

"Wait are you just another guy trying to get into my pants? It seems like it. I'm blocking this number. It'll do my good to continue this relationship. "


"I was just kidding you're real mission is to..."

"Mission? What are we spies?! How kid like"

"No we are not spies. "

"I know you aren't, look behind you. "

"I bet you looked behind You. "

"No I didn't. "

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too. "

"Did not. "

"Stop it. You're getting off task"


"Yes you. Now if you can stop being so childish we can finally get to the matter at hand. You've already wasted an entire day."

"I'm soooorrrry that I'm not up to your "standards" but I believe yoooouuu approached MEEE and also was soooo childish to say did not. -_-#"

*sends picture of a hand*

"Talk to the hand ----"

"You have five minutes to explain everything or I'm blocking you.  "


"You wouldn't still be here if you weren't curious. Curiosity killed the cat. "


"😤🙄🙄 Well you have five days. You should know. "

"*twitch I'm getting ticked off. You're losing time TIME "


"Five days to find me. For if you don't, danger lurks. Someone if out to kill you and I know you know this. We offer protection for we have a debt to your family. After five days we won't guarantee your life. The killer as you know it will start to take action on New Years. Beware and that's al the information I can give you. Four days..."


"I didn't think my brother would take action that fast."

"I'll give you a minute or so to let it sink in. "

"You have one minute before I block you. "

"Wtfudgenuggets you said you wouldn't if I told you. "

"Well yea there's no use for you now I know the intention. So you can stop being so cliiinnngggyy and shoo. "

"Four days. "

"I don't need your help. Bye forever. "

"My help isn't guaranteed after four days!"

"Too bad it's gonna go to waste. Thank for the info. 😊😘😉 until then 🔫🔪🔪🔪☠💉"

"You're gonna regret this!"

"Not unless you find me. "

"Find me and I'll rethink my decision. Bye "


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