After the Battle at Starkiller Base

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It was so sudden, one minute I was in my cell, the next, the whole base was shaking and in no time at all, there were two Stormtroopers rushing me towards a command shuttle. I knew it was the perfect time to escape, Starkiller Base was crumbling around us, there was so much chaos—but I also knew that there was a chance I wouldn't be able to make it to a tie fighter fast enough with everyone around. Besides, I wasn't leaving without him.

I let the Stormtroopers lead me into the shuttle, let them lock me in another cell, let them think they were in control, just like I always did. When we landed in the Finalizer, I knew something was wrong with him. The Resistance had been able to destroy the base, they had bested the First Order which was quite unexpected, but there was something else wrong—I could feel it.

The doors to my cell slid open and two troopers attempted to cuff me. "You will not be needing those," I said calmly to the troopers.

"We will not be needing these," they replied.

"You will take me to Kylo Ren."

"We will take you to Kylo Ren."

They led me down corridor after corridor, until we could hear his lightsaber wreaking havoc on the room behind the heavy door to his quarters. The troopers remained at the end of the corridor as I approached cautiously. The door slid open and I could see him in the midst of one of his fits. I waited until the doors closed behind me to speak.

"Ben," I said quietly, "Ben, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down," he yelled, though it was muffled a bit by his mask. He put his saber away, but was still pacing the room, his hands balled into fists. Even hunched over in anger like he was, he was still much taller than me, much stronger than me, and was in such a rage. To anyone else he would have been terrifying, but I knew he would never hurt me, no matter how angry he was. His rage was almost universally uncontrollable, but I was never worried that he would harm me, after all, I was the only Jedi he spared, though I was not much of a Jedi any longer. The more time I spent with him, the more I could feel the dark in him—the more I could feel it in myself. And in this moment, I could feel so much dark, I was overwhelmed.

"What happened out there Ben?" I asked as he continued to pace the room. I knew that there was something more than just the Resistance, there was such a change in him.

"I killed Han—my own father, I killed him. And now it's time to complete my training. But that girl—"

"You killed him?" I asked in complete shock. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and the tears welling in my eyes. This was not the Ben I loved, the dark was taking him over faster then I could fight it. "Please Ben, tell me this is some cruel trick."

He continued to pace, further and further from me, both in the room and in his thoughts. "I killed him—I had to. It's the only way."

"What do you mean it's the only way? To prove yourself to Snoke? No Ben, you crossed the line."

He stopped where he was standing. He stared at the wall in front of him, his back to me. In an eerily clam voice, he said, "it is the only way, you know it is."

He thought he had to push himself completely towards the dark, to kill all the light in him. He wanted to prove himself to Snoke, to show him that he was strong enough. He had to kill his father, someone who was an anchor to the light inside him.

There was still something that was bothering him, he wasn't worried about killing Han; in his mind he had done what was right. "Who is this girl you were talking about earlier?" I asked putting the pieces together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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