Chapter 1

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 I peered out my tall-leg's window. I was itching to be outside, air fresh and not so stuffy. I would feel the wind in my fur and whiskers.

But, I was an In-cat! A cat that isn't allowed outside is an in-cat. I get loose every once in a while, but my tall-leg always catches me before I can escape. Sure, I love my tall-legs, and care about them, but I would rather be outside. And if I have to run away to do that, then I am prepared to make changes.

"Cat! Come here, Cat!" I hear my tall-leg calling my name. Cat. I hate that name. I wish it where something cool like Fire or Lightning. But I got Cat.

Bored, I leap off the window ledge and pad into the other room. My tall-leg is sitting on the couch with a bag next to him. He calls me once more and I leap onto his lap and lay down. I hate doing this. He always scratches my head when I do this. But if I don't come, he comes after me and picks me up himself, and I hate that.

Maybe for some cats, being an in-cat isn't so bad, but to me, its horrible. The food they give is pebbles that look like wierdly shaped rocks. They don't taste that bad, but I'd much rather have a nice plump mouse instead. Every once in a while one scurries in the house and I am able to have that satisfying meal, but lately nothing has been going on and I've been stuck with brown tasteless rocks.

I flinch as my tall-leg reaches his hand down and scratches in front and behind my ears. Thats another thing I REALLY don't like. It always gets his finger grease in my ears and then I have to wash it all over again. I wish that he would stop but he just continues. After a while he starts petting me. I sorta like this, it feels good to have his paw sliding across my fur, but then again, I have to wash my fur after this.

My tall-leg eventually falls asleep. I quietly leap off of his lap, thankful that he is a deep sleeper, and I start licking my messy fur. It takes a while, but I somehow get my fur completely clean. All of the sudden, my tall-leg's small-leg grabs my tail. I screech and leap up into the air. As I do my collar bell rings loudly, startling me more. I hiss, scratch the small-leg, and run off as she releases my tail and wails.

I hide under a table as I hear my tall-leg getting up and comforting the small-leg. I don't get it. When I get scratched by the small-leg when she is being rough, my tall-leg doesn't do a thing. But when the small-leg gets scratched, the tall-leg comforts her. I know whats coming next. The tall-leg comes over to me and drags me out from under the table. He yells at me and takes me towards- the door! He is letting me outside!

I use all my strength to contain myself as he opens the door and carries me outside by the scruff. But he goes straight for the leash. I should have known. I slouch as he hooks the leash onto my collar and ties the other end to a tree. I wrinkle my nose. It smells like my tall-leg's dog, Snuggle. Snuggle is a pretty good friend, I somehow learned to talk to him. But I have to be quiet when I do it because my tall-leg would probably wonder how I am a barking cat.

I would miss him if I ever get loose. But he would do fine probably. My tall-leg would probably be happy to not be putting my collar back on all the time when I take it off. Wait, that's it!

Suddenly, I have an idea. I get my collar loose all the time! It shouldn't be much trouble to get loose this time, right? But the tall-leg is watching me from the window. I stare at him carefully. Then, he momentarily looks away. Now is my chance! I twist and turn and tug on my collar with my claws but it doesn't work.

I have to do this! If my tall-leg sees me too early, he won't do this again! I twist around one more time and the collar breaks from the leash. I know it isn't off me, but the leash is! All I have to do now is escape! I see the tall-leg looking back and his eyes become wide. I see him start running towards the door. 

Fast as the wind, I dart towards the fence and claw my way up. I look back and see my tall-leg running towards me. I send him a look that says, "Goodbye sucker!" and leap onto the other side of the fence. I hear the tall-leg calling my name but this time I ignore it. He can't grab me from over there!

I can hardly believe it. I have finally escaped! No more stuffy air, no more brown rocks, from now on its mice and freedom!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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