Chapter 2: Do we see her ever again?

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Ugh, damn me. Why I have to be so hopeless case... Why I just can't stop to think or write about this story! Seriously, I can't even live a week without writing a new chapter! But to the happier news! Do We See Her Ever Again? is back on the stage! Yeah! So enjoy the new chapter, see you soon.

Do We Ever See Her Again?

Chapter 10: Tears Of Happiness

* No One POV, at Midnight *

Flora walked along the path, towards the lake. She was nervous. Helia told her to come here. For what? Flora didn't know.

Flora walked on. She walked next to the trees, bushes and flowers. It was dark, just a few rays of the full moon came through the thick branches, to the ground. Flora shivered. Even though it was early summer, the air was still a little chilly at night.

Flora looked forward. No one showed up. No wonder, time is now almost midnight. After a while she noticed a person walking along a path. Flora narrowed her eyes. In the pitch-black is indeed hard to see. Then she saw a familiar dark blue hair.

"Helia!" Flora screamed and ran towards Helia. Helia laughed and hugged Flora as she ran towards him, knocking them to the ground.

"It's nice to see you again. Did you miss me that much, even though we saw each like a few hours ago? "Helia teased Flora, and got up. He helped Flora up from the ground.

"Do not tease. You know very well that I don't
want to be away from you another second longer. Six years was just too much. "Flora said, and blushed. Helia smiled.

"So, are you ready for the surprise?" Helia asked.

"Indeed! Let's go! "Flora exclaimed happily and started to walk forward. Then Helia walked quickly ahead of Flora, stopping her.

"Wait a minute. Let's put this on to your eyes so that you do not see anything... " Helia said, and pulled the cloth from his pocket, and covered Flora's eyes.

"And then let's go! This way, Milady. "Helia said, and took Flora's hand.

"Well thank you, sir." Flora giggled. Together, they started to walk towards the lake.

* Stella POV, In the bushes *

We looked from the bushes when the Flora and Helia were talking.

"I wonder what Helia's surprise is..." I muttered silently.

"I don't know. Let's find out! "Brandon said a little too loudly. We all whispered to him to be quiet. Brandon fell silent immediately. Fortunately, Helia and Flora didn't hear him. I crawled in beside him angrily, and slapped him on the arm.

"Ow, that hurt. Why did you do that? "Brandon asked confused, and rubbed his hand.

"Ever heard of being shut up?" I whispered to him angrily.

"Well I'm sorry Miss-I-can-not-be-quiet, but if you hadn't asked the question, I did not have to answer so loudly." Brandon said sarcastically.

"Guys ..." Bloom was trying to say, but I interrupted her sentences.

"What? It was my fault?! I didn't even wanted for an answer, I spoke to myself! "I argued.

"Guys..." Bloom tried, without success, again.

"Don't even try. It was your fault! "Brandon said.

"No, it was your fault!"


"No, your's"

"Do not lie, it was you!"

"It wasn't"

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