What was that?

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I looked around. There was a group of zombies not to far away from us. I grabbed Taylors arm and we ran. 

"Emily, there's a sewer over there! We should climb down it!" Taylor shouted to me.

We ran over to the sewer and pried open the opening just in time before the zombies got to us. We closed it and sat next to the wall of the sewer. I held tightly onto the backpack I had with me.

"What's in there?" Taylor asked me.

"Some food from my house, my mothers knife, and a pistol. It doesn't have many bullets though." I told her. 

I pulled out a can of soup. It's not much but it's some food. I poured some in a cup that came with it and gave the rest to Taylor. 

"Thank you, you've been really nice to me. Sorry for being so rude when we met," She said shamefully. I forgave her and we finished eating. 

After we were done we sat and talked about what has been happening and what we are going to do. We made a plan that when we get out of the sewer we will find a place to stay that is safe and hopefully find a group of survivors that we could be with. 

I layed back on the wall. There was water near us. It stank. It was really disguisting but we didn't have anywhere else to go for now. A zombie suddenly ran around from a corner but it was different than the others. It was a lot darker and taller. It seemed faster as well. I panicked and grabbed the pistol out of my bag and shot it several times. 

"Crap," I said "I got scared and shot it too many times. I ran out of bullets."

"It's fine Emily, we'll look for some tomorrow." Taylor said and smiled at me. 

We layed down next to each other and tried to go to sleep.

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