Can I Miss You?

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The evening breeze fell upon the man's skin as his walk suddenly turns to a run. He was running towards one of the parks just by his neighborhood. Its' been a long time since he have been there....ever since he got caught up with high school he rarely visited this park. He could recall how he would come here to play every evening.

At that moment when he was sprinting, memories came rushing in to his head. This park...this was where he first met him....the place it all started.

"Hikaru-kun! Don't play to rough alright?" he could hear his mother calling out to him. He turn towards his mom and smile, giving her a thumbs up before joining up with his friends. They were going to play soccer this evening like they do for the past few years.

After a full 90 minutes play, the eight boys finally stop playing.

Hikaru, drenched in sweat took the towel from his mother. He quickly wiped himself.

"Hikaru-kun, I would like you to meet one of our new neighbour..." he heard his mother call and turn to look at her. There was a younger lady standing beside her. Hikaru bowed towards her and she bowed back.

"This is Mrs. Yabu. She just moved in yesterday two houses from ours." The mother introduced.

" you're old are you now?" the woman asked.

"I'm 11!" Hikaru replied happily.

"Oh! You're the same age as my son!"

Hikaru looked at the woman, eyes blinking in anticipation. The woman gave him a short smile as the boy behind the woman came out from hiding. Still attached to his mother, the dark hair boy watch Hikaru.

"This is Kouta. " the woman introduced the boy next to her. The boy was still shyly hiding his face from him.

Hikaru smiled at the sight of him and walked towards him. He held out his hand. "I'm Hikaru. Nice to meet you!"

Kouta turned towards his mother's face first. She nodded and smiled. It took some time for him to take Hikaru's hand and when he finally did, Hikaru gave a reassuring smile.

He could still remember his first impression of him. A shy, white, possibly could be mistaken as a girl....


"Kouta! Pass it over!" Hikaru called out from the right side of the field as Kouta dribbled the ball towards the goal. The other team's players were surrounding him, there was no way it could reach Hikaru. Or so he thought....

The petit boy found an opening between two players and aimed right in the middle where he knew they could not reach. As planned, the ball headed towards Hikaru, passing the two players in a breeze. Hikaru kicked the ball towards the goal and managed to secure their goal. Their team gathered in joy as the last whistle blew.

"Ne, Kouta-kun, you're not a bad passer!" Hikaru complimented as he shouldered the smaller boy from behind.

The shorter boy giggled at the sudden action of his friend. "Its nothing haha....I used to play soccer when we were at the town side before so this is just the same..."

"Eh? Really?" Hikaru's eyes open wide at his statement, pushing his face close to Kouta's. "Honto? Maji de?" he continued asking in an annoying manner, his cheek touching Kouta's.

"Urusai!" Kouta shouted jokingly pulling his face away from Hikaru's. The both of them exchange sights before giggling and laughing among themselves.

"Kouta! It's time to get home, dear!" a voice called out to the two boys. Mrs. Yabu stood by the bench waving at the two boys.

"Ah...I gotta go home...See ya tomorrow Hikaru!"

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