Kyleeeeeeeee's POV

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I clicked out of Instagram.
"The fuck?"
A pop up saying "You have been randomly selected for a FREE month subscription to PornHub! Click for details!"
I exited that pop up.
Porn's so dumb.
I grabbed my headphones and put on some Falling In Reverse. My favorite song, Get Me Out, came on!
I checked the time and shit.
Son. Of. A. Cock! I'm late for school!
I weighed my option: Miss school and miss seeing the most beautiful girl, Billie, OR go to school and get detention for being late.

Now I have detention. Goddammit.
"Mr. Hall? Did you hear me?" The nasal voice teacher, Ms. Forthofer said.
"Oh my god you stupid pig I don't care!"
"That's an extra hour of detention! Leave this classroom immediately!"
I heard laughter and gave the stupid pig an in appropriate gesture. I love pissing her off and she knows it!
"OUT!" She screamed.
"AND IN AND OUT AND IN AND OUT!" I screamed back, walking out the door.
"Kids, I hope you're not like him in any other classrooms!" I heard her mutter.
I laughed to myself and had a decision to make.
I could go and wait for the teacher to come in the hallway and talk to me or I could walk out of school.
I chose to walk out of school.
School sucks. Start a band kids.
I shoved my headphones in and listened to Of Mice & Men.
"Say you're okay!..." Feels Like Forever came on and I sing along quietly.
"Hey kid!" I heard a voice shout.
I turned around in all directions, searching for the voice.
It sounded like Billie.
"Billie?" I asked.
"Yeah over here kid."
I walked to the source of the voice and found Billie. She was wearing a "Normal People Scare Me" shirt and black skinny jeans with bright blue creepers.
Nice choice of shirt, I thought, since I was wearing an AHS Violet Harmen shirt. Violet Harmen is my visual escape. Literally. I could look at her all day.
"N-nice s-shirt B-B-Billie..."
"Sorry Kyle? I couldn't understand you." She joked. I didn't laugh.
"Sorry I left my heart at home." She quoted Memphis May Fire!!!!
"I love you!"
"You didn't let me finish... I love your shirt!"
Smooth Kyle.
"Yeah. I gotta go. The jocks are coming over be careful, babe." We weren't even dating and she called me babe wow. That's a first😂
The jocks walked over.
"Hey Kyle!" The nice one said. I think his name was Mikey.
"Hey...?" I said.
"Mikey. Mikey Way. "
Oh yeah. His brothers my best friend. How could I forget?!
"Hey guys" I said waving to the rest of the foot ball team.
"Hey man. How's your mum then?" A British sounding one asked.
"She's doing better. Thanks for asking." My mom got into a car crash yesterday and hasn't woken up yet. She'll wake up though. I know it.
"Well Kyle. Today's the day." Mikey sad sadly.

... Oh......
Last year we made a deal that they wouldn't bully me for at least two years. They've been super nice. They had given me three years. Here comes hell.
"Hey can't we just forget about that? We've been buddies, Mikey!"
"I'll think about it okay Kyle?!"
"Sorry guys. I've gotta get back to class." I said.
"Yeah okay. Bye Kyle." Mikey said waving.
I walked away.
I was looking at my phone when someone tackled me from behind.
"Oof!" I fell to the ground.
"Hey Kyle!!!!!!" Johnnie said.
"Hey Johnnie." I grumbled.
"Sorry man i couldn't resist."
"Yeah okay sure. Johnnie give me my phone!" I shouted as he took my phone.
He ran away with my phone. Now I had nothing to do.
Go find Billie!
My thoughts won. I looked for Billie.
"Looking for something?" A voice purred in my ear.
"Yeah you. Wassup?"
"Just playing hooky. You?"
"Nothing. Johnnie took my phone." I scowled.
"Awh cute. Kohnnie as fuck!" She laughed.
"Dream on loser, haha!"
"So you want to go to Hot Topic? My treat babe."
"Stop calling me babe. But yeah."
"Well let's go Kyle!" She said running off.
I ran off towards her, picked her up by her waist and put her in my backseat.
"Since you're paying for HT, I'll pay for gas." I said.
She was still giggling when she said, "okey!"
She ran her hands through her galaxy hair and sighed.
"How's you're little issue going, Billie?" I said referring to her depression. She didn't self harm but she didn't always act happy.
"It's getting better. It's been better ever since I met you..." She blushed.
I laughed as we pulled into Hot Topic.
I shit off the car and walked to Billie's door. I opened it and she got out.
We walked in and I saw Mr. Brooks working the counter.
"Hey There Mr. Brooks!" (A/N: Asking Alexandria reference)
Mr. Brooks always have us discounts because we spend so much there.
Billie pulled me over to the men's section and said, "What's size pants you wear fuckboi?"
"69 bitch!" I said laughing.
"No but for real you're pants are too baggy."
"Size 3. Men's clothing, Billie."
She laughed and pulled out some black and red checkered skinny jeans.
"It's a yes from Kyle." I said sassily.
"Alright. Go pick out some outfits! I just got paid so I need to blow this money."
Oh shit look who walked in
"Hey Kyle!" That annoying voice said.
It was my ex-girlfriend.

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