Johnnie's Suicide

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I jolted awake. I felt like I had been stabbed in the throat. My hands found their way to my Adam's apple and felt something warm and sticky. I looked at my hands and saw blood. 

Had something cut my throat? 

I didn't think so. 

Was I dreaming?


I grabbed my phone, and turned on the front camera. I saw that there was a thin, shallow cut across my neck. I laughed and wiped the blood away.

I called Billie. Of course.

"Hello? Oh, hey Kyle."

"Hi. Can I come over? Someone literally tried to kill me." I laughed.

"What the frick? Yeah, come over. Climb in my window, though." 

"Okay. Bye."

I ran to Billie's house and climbed through her darkened window. I saw her smiling widely and she gave me a hug. 

"What's wrong with your neck, Kyle?" She frowned.

"I have no idea! Someone tried to kill me, haha." 

"That's not funny, Kyle. C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." She walked to her bathroom and motioned for me to follow. 

I walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Billie had cleaned up the blood from her wrists and gotten a new carpet. 

She grabbed a first aid kit with a red cross on the front and looked at my neck.

"It's not too bad. I thought it was worse." She opened the kit and grabbed peroxide and gauze. 

She poured some peroxide onto the gauze and wiped my neck. I cringed and felt a tear fall from my face.

"Shhh it's okay, Kyle." She cooed.

I looked at her and gave a weak smile. This hurt like hell. 

I closed my eyes and waited for Billie to be done cleaning my neck. 

*Time Skip to about 10 minutes later*

"Alllll done!" Billie giggled.

I opened my eyes and grinned. 

"Thank Marilyn Manson! That hurt like hell, oh my gosh." I grimaced.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the mirror, where I saw that there was a thin layer of gauze covering my neck. 

"Sick! I can put a choker over this and it'll be great." I smiled.

She smiled and wandered back to her room. 

I grabbed her by the wrist and kissed her.

For the first time in forever I felt happy. 

Then I heard the sirens and felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. 

I checked to see who was calling, and saw Johnnie's number. 

'Hey man!" I laughed.

"No, Kyle. It's Shannon." I heard the sirens and Shannon crying on the other end.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"Johnnie... He... Killed himself." She sobbed.

"Oh my- When? What the fuck! I'm coming over." I cried.

"No! They won't let anyone else over. I'm sorry, Kyle." Shannon cried.

I hit the red button on my iPhone, ending the call.

Billie gave me a hug and asked, "What happened, Ky?" 

I pushed her away and sat on the floor. 

She sighed and sat next to me. 

"Did I do something?" She said quietly.

"No! Leave me alone, for fucks sake!" I screamed.

She got up and grabbed me by the arm. 

"Get out." She seethed.

"N- I-I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." I sobbed. 

"Kyle, just because you're 'confused' does not mean that you can scream at me. Fuck out of here." She was crying now, and I felt bad for yelling at her.

"Billie. I'm sorry. My best friend just killed himself." As soon as I said that, her eyes softened and she gave me a hug.

"Kyle, I'm sorry. I had no idea." She whispered.

I hung my head and cried into her shoulder.

"Shhh it'll be okay, babe." She mumbled.

She laid me down on the bed and covered me with her yellow and black Nirvana fleece. 

I must've fallen asleep. I don't remember anything after that. 

Poor Johnnie. 

Poor Shannon.

Poor me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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