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Chelsea's POV

Nakarinig ako ng isang malakas na ingay mula sa kusina. I went there and a gasp escaped my lips when I saw what happened.

An empty liquor bottle turned into shattered pieces. I hurried myself and picked the small pieces up.

This is one of the most important things in my life. Alam ko na isa lang siyang kapirasong bote ng alak but this holds a lot of memories. This was the first liquor we shared together after our engagement two years ago.

I was so busy picking up the small pieces that I didn't notice my eyes were tearing up. I know it's silly and stupid to cry over a liquor bottle but this thing grew fond on me.

I always look at this and smile, remembering how sweet we were those days. Those were the days man.

I wiped my cheeks and try to put the pieces back together. I kept on trying but it's impossible to make it how it was before it gets broken.

This thing is broken and no matter how hard I try to put the pieces back together, it can't, it WON'T.

I sat down on the floor and pick the biggest piece of the bottle. It slipped off my hand and left a deep cut on my palm.

Blood flowed fast out of the cut and dropped slowly on the floor. I began to panic, I immediately stood up, rushed to the sink and washed my hand through the running water.

My hand wouldn't stop bleeding and my head started to spin.

This is what happens if you try to fix something or someone that is obviously cannot be fixed anymore.

When you try to fix something that's broken, it won't do anything but to hurt you and slowly kill you, and sometimes it'll be painless and you have no idea about it. You knew they were broken and hopeless so why keep trying?

"Baby? What the hell happened?" I turned around and see the man I love the most.

Wearing the most shocked expression I've ever seen. He eyes the room, the shattered pieces of glass-I tried to fix- caught his attention first.

Napatingin siya sa kamay kong hindi pa rin tumitigil sa pagdugo. His expression changed, from being shocked to being worried? I don't know, I can't tell. I can't read his mind. But I wish I can.

"Oh, I just...I was..Harry..." I stuttered. I looked at him in the eyes.

He knows I'm bleeding right? So why isn't he doing anything about it? Does he not care?

I look up at him and a red mark on his neck caught my attention. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand that's not bleeding.

I turn my back on him. I can't believe him! I can't believe it! How can he do this to me?

"I'm sorry fuck! Im sorry." He said. I felt his arms wrapped around me. "Baby, i'm so so sorry." He whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath.

I tried to fix it, I tried to fix our relationship. I tried to fix him.


Nightmares Are Dreams Too - (Sequel to Dreams Do Come True)Where stories live. Discover now