Chapter 3

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A/N Just so you know this takes place years after the 5 year voyage


LOCATION: on board the Enterprise
POV: Ally

I slowly look up to see THE Captain of the Enterprise giving his chair the ultimate death grip. I seriously think his knuckles are going to break....... Anyway... I crawl back behind his chair, then I stand up.


And I'm back down again.... who ever is doing this seriously has to stop! The Captains chair swivels around, and all goes back.


LOCATION: the Bridge

POV: No one



"Yes, Captain?"

"What could you possibly be shooting at now?! The ship just got hit and you use my chair for target practice?"

"Sorry but the girl, she was there. Crouched down behind your chair. She is an unregistered member of St-"

"That's enough Spock, I don't want to hear about any more of your fantasies. We have been on the Enterprise together for over 15 years! What has gotten into you? CHEKOV!"

"Yez Keptin?"

"Call down to the engine room and find out what is wrong with my ship and Spock take the con, don't shoot any imaginary objects!"

"Eye Keptin!"

       With that Kirk left the Bridge and Spock in charge. Spock eyes the girl who is just laying there unconscious.

"Chekov you finished calling down there?" Spock asks?

"Yez, yez sir!"

"Well what is the damage?"

"Oh! Right, well engine 2 iz down but Scotty iz workin on gittin it up and running in no time!"

"Thank you"

"Welcome! Oh and I ken see the girl too now! We should mover her before the Keptin gits back!"

"how can you se her now?"

"I don't know I juzt do now!

           Spock and Chekov move her to a spare room near Spocks room where she can stay for a bit. Chekov nor Spock say a word to each other as they carry her. It's killing Spock that he doesn't know who she is, but he will find out soon!


A/N so how was that chapter? sorry it took so long for me to update! pls comment what you think about it and who Ally might be!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2013 ⏰

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