Chapter 5

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Broken sight
" Em... Let's go!"
I guess this is painful for him seeing his parents disappear far and away to never returne.

WAIT NEVER TO RETURN? I think I got this wrong I met his parents before....
I wonder about this as he pulls me from the hospital back to the tower

" brad what is going on!"
" it was time to leave that's all we have no time to loose"
" OH I GOT TIME!!!!" I shout pulling my arm from his grasp
" those  are my birth parents"
"Birth parents?"
That's impossible I've met them before there not gone what the hell is going on?
As I wonder on and on my partner disappears and I don't...  There are cars behind me I know it one of them stops but the weirdest thing is the same exact cars stop beside it several men climb out of the vans as if they were expecting me, one of them shouts an order and  the rest pull out guns and weaponry like that.
"HANDS WERE I CAN SEE THEM!!!!!!!!" One of the men shouts
Not knowing what to do I stand there completely frozen
Finally digesting what is happening I throw my hands up almost shitting my pants
I am barley on my knees when the man begins to approach me
" I know who you are, little girl"
Up close he had more of an accent why why now does my body choose to stay in this generation at the  moment that I am in the dearest shit?
" my name is Charlie I don't mean to hurt you"
" then do you relay need the guns"
" do t sass me little girl I know what you are capable of and for that sass that you  clearly get from your dead father you  will get a bullet to the knee"
" don't talk about my father you  disgusting rat!" Bam I hear it but I don't feel it witch means he missed no he didn't he was about to get me but then black smock filled the space and he fired but  by then it was to late I was on my feet back in 2015 hurray now about my missing partner...
A/n I know I only have 14 readers and that's okay I will never be big like kimmy hers one of my faves on here but at least I got fourteen of you! Wonderful people that go threw my terribly short chapters and  I just wanna say...

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope you hade I good Christmas


Ella Morris

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