I was tagged again

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(I hope you can see the media)

I was tagged by AuraGalaxy to do this.
I'll do this now.

1. My nickname is P0ke.

2. I have grey-blue eyes.

3. I have brown hair but I bleached the ends.

4. I started doing art a year ago.... Needless to say, my art is a million times better now.

5. Either green or orange.

6. My room.

7. Does SetoSorcerer count?

8. Well I dunno.

9. I have none. It changes frequently.

10. This may come as a surprise to you but The Struggle For Magic is a book that I really loved when I first read it (aka when I was 11 and had no Wattpad account) and now. I dub thee my favorite book.

(and on a side note I never would've guessed that I would be friends with the author of The Struggle For Magic back then either. Ah eleven year old me.)

I'm too lazy to tag anyone.
Do it if you want.

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