On Our Way

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It's the day everyone would be going to Beacon Hills. I couldn't wait, and I was on my way to meet with Riley and the others.

My mom thought it would be a good idea to have a summer alone with my friends, it would be healthy for a girl my age.

I gave her a tight hug before i leave r the summer, and walked out with everything i would need. All I had was a backpack and a luggage, some money for California. I was on my way to meet with the others, on our way to go CA, leaving myself a good feeling for Beacon Hills.


Everyone was boarding onto the plane right now, loading our luggage inside, only then taking our seats.

I sat with Riley, and Lucas, Farkle, and Zay sitting an aisle from us together.

"So what's the first thing we're gonna do when we get there?" Riley asked excitedly, found a magazine in her hands and started flipping through the pages.

"Well first," I replied sleepily, "We go into the hotel that Farkle's dad has paid for us, then I'm gonna take a nap."

Before she could protest about my plans, I was already drifting off to sleep onto her shoulder.

The noises drowned out, I didn't even know I was that tired until I closed my eyes.

My dream morphed into a scene where the boy with the tattoo and jaw was sitting with a girl with red hair. Wait. Scratch that, it was strawberry blonde hair. She looks about the same age as the boy, seventeen I guessed. They both had serious expression on their faces until the strawberry blonde looked up, and asked, "What's going to happen next?"

"I don't know," He replied, I could see his frustration overcoming him, but he was able to control it. I stared into his eyes, but they weren't red like the last time I saw them. They were just beautiful, deep brown eyes.

His eyes widened. "Do you smell that?"

"Like I could possibly smell anything you can," She replied. I like this girl, sarcastic as she seems.

The boy closed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, breathing in softly, trying to catch a scent.

"It smells like..." He took another whiff, "like blood."

"Isn't that bad?"

"This is really strong though. It's not like any other blood, I can tell you that."

The girl looked straight at me, and I felt like I was there physically, but I couldn't be. She stood up, and walked to me slowly, leaving the boy with a very confused expression on his face.

She tilted her head a bit, their was no expression on her face. If I was even there, I tried to step back, but my legs wouldn't move. Neither did any part of my body. So as I 'stood there' as a rock, the girl whispered, "Who are you?"

I knew my image wasn't even there, maybe she felt a presence I was. The boy rested a hand on her shoulder, telling her nothing was there. She ignored him and continued to ask, "Who are you?"

I couldn't speak any words out of my mouth, even if I felt it being open. I swallowed hard when she took another step closer, continued to wear the same blank expression. What was wrong with this girl? I don't even know if she was real or a figment of my imagination.

The boy finally pulled her away a bit, but she hesitated in his grasp. "Lydia," he started to ask with concern, "Are you okay?"

The girl called Lydia faced to the boy, then back at me. Another twist of confusion came to her face. I can feel myself changing into another dream, drifting away from this one. The last thing I heard was Lydia, "Yeah. I'm fine."

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