Prologue: "Wasted Life"

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Natsuki Namikaze gazed up at the man with whom she had fallen in love, her onyx eyes shining like a moonlit sky. Itachi Uchiha, that was his name. They were on the same squad in the ANBU Ops and grew up as neighbors. His large, pale hand smoothed down her flaxen mane as he hummed in content and rested his cheek upon the crown of her head. Neither shinobi cared that she was of mixed blood, nor did they concern themselves with the approval of their parents. They were friends, partners, and lovers without a care about such things as lineage. Mikito, Itachi's mother, seemed to be the only one who endorsed their union. In precisely twelve days, they were to be wed. Along for the marriage roller coaster were their younger silbings, Sasuke Uchiha and Anbā Uchiha. Natsuki's mother had denounced the latter child as her own after divorcing her father, but only because that black hair and pale skin reminded her too terribly of the man whom had betrayed her. To spite his former wife, Daitchi had disowned the elder daughter, who was visibly more Namikaze than Uchiha.

Of course, their hectic families weighed down upon them like the world on Atlas's shoulders, but this small moment in time... They were just Itachi and Natsuki, no surnames... No family hatred... They were just themselves.

As the sun lowered over the horizon, Itachi turned his head and nestled into the thick curls on his blonde lover. In his throat were soft sighs of complacency, of joy and of love, as she cuddled back with her lanky arms around his waist.

"I love you, Itachi," she whispered against his chest.

"And I you, Natsuki," he pressed a kiss to her temple.

The following day, Itachi received direct orders from Lord Danzo. It was his desire that Itachi massacre his family in order to prevent an Uchiha rebellion. Though it ached to do so, the young man with all the makings of a great Hokage accepted the demands and bowed his head as he took his leave. That night, he kissed Natsuki for the last time, tears in his eyes.

"Forgive me, Natsuki," he begged.

She shook her head, cradling his head to her bosom.

"There is nothing to forgive, my darling, but promise me one thing?"

"Anything," he vowed, voice and eyes earnest.

"Do not harm my sister."

After he gave her a brief nod, Itachi embraced her tightly and ran the love of his life through with his katana. He stayed with her until the bleeding stopped, signaling that Death had come to her. Closing her eyelids and gently lowering her cooling form to the floor, Itachi summoned his chakra and set their house ablaze. His orders were absolute, his loyalty his doom, as he moved about the Uchiha compound- slaughtering his family with nothing but regret in his heart and tears in his eyes. At long last, there was only one house left- that of his parents and Sasuke. When he found his mother and father, they were sitting side by side with their heads bowed slightly. It was their last request that he look after Sasuke. Wordlessly, he struck them down just in time for the younger lad to find him. The horror in Sasuke's eyes drove him mad, his sword raised as though to strike down the boy. He didn't want to kill him, he didn't want to kill anyone but-


There she was, the younger sister that he had promised to spare, standing in front of his sibling with her arms out wide and a glare on her porcelain face. Despite the many differences between them, Anbā Uchiha's visage brought to his eyes nothing but the soulless countance of Natsuki Namikaze.

Rage boiled within himself, blurring his reality, as he stared down the girl.

"No," he echoed her, swiping the edge of his blade against her throat.

As she crumpled into a pile in Sasuke's arms, Itachi glowered down at them.

"If you want either of you to live, get to the hospital now. Grow up to hate me and become strong, so that a woman doesn't need to throw her life away for you," he growled.

With that, Itachi Uchiha disappeared into the blackness of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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