The Day I Gave My Life to Christ

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The Day I Gave My Life to Christ
{June 3, 2014}
The day I gave my life to Christ was the scariest day of my life. That was the day I realized I couldn't do it alone. I realized it was okay to ask for help.

The day I gave my life to Christ every wall that I spent so long building came crumbling down, every tear I had been fighting so hard to hold back came flowing out.

The day I gave my life to Christ was the day I realized that 3 wounds could fix more problems than any amount I could ever give myself. I realized that I meant enough for one sinless, perfect man to die so I could live.

The day I gave my life to Christ I no longer felt lost, hopeless or weak. For the first time in my life I felt strong, I felt free because I was washed in the blood of a mighty savior who died so I could be free.

The day I gave my life to Christ was the best day of my life.

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