Ed Can Sing?!

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Ed goes to the piano and starts to play and sing A Thousand Years. Al and Sophie watch. Winery switches the new and old automail on Sophie, to which she winces at the nerves being reconnected. "Sorry. ALRIGHT ED GET YOUR ASS IN HERE I MADE YOU A NEW LEG YOU GREW A BIT " Ed sits on the couch "yea yea" he grabs a pillow covers his lap and takes his shorts off the side where his leg was missing.Winery looks at Sophie "Hold him down " she put his automail leg on him, the burns from when Mustang seared his wound close was visible. "I'm going to reattach the nerves, hold him down with your strength and don't let him up, he'll hurt someone " Sophie holds him down with all strength. She reattches his nerves and he grits his teeth writhing(best he can with being held down) in pain. Al just keeps the pillow in place as Sophie holds Ed down. He soon settles down, his hair had came undone due to his writhing and now is fanned out around his head like a golden halo. Sophie lets him go and looks at him "It hurts him that much?" "Ed's skin and nerves are really sensitive since we had to burn his arm and leg closed with alchemy, it damaged his nerves on those limbs, everytime they're reattached he goes through intense pain as if he's burning again, his reaction was the same, Mustang swore to never use his alchemy on Ed again."  Al covers his brother with a thin blanket, removing the pillow "Big brother is tough but even he can't do everything alone. He gave up his arm, for me. I want to repay him and get it back for him maybe even his leg too" Sophie looks at Winery, "What now?" Winery looks at Ed, "We take care of Ed, make sure he stays stable, at the moment he's at his weakest" Ed opens his eyes slowly, he moved to put his shorts back in place but yelps in pain "Al!" He yelled his voice a little hoarse. Al nods and carefully helps his brother

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