Chapter Sixteen

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Matt pulled the skiff up to the beach and helped his beautiful woman out. She set foot on the ground and took a deep breath. There was nothing like the great outdoors. She was home.

"That's a beautiful smile you've got on your face pretty lady," Matt complimented, threading his fingers in between hers.

"That's a beautiful face you've got there pretty lady," she joked around with him.

"Lady? Baby, I'm anything but a lady," he said.

She pulled him close. "Oh really?"

"I can prove it."

"Oh, yeah? How are you going to do that?" she smirked.

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, causing her to laugh. She pecked his lips before pulling him off towards camp.

"AH HA HA!" Matt yelled his famous line. "WE'RE HOME!"

The moment they heard Matt's voice, the Brown family went nuts. They all piled over and pulled Lorelei into a group hug. She squealed and laughed as they all squeezed her tight.

"Alright, alright, let the girl go!" Matt demanded with a laugh.

They all separated with laughs. Bird and Rain pulled Lorelei off to the house for some "girl time" as they said. Matt sat down by the fire with the boys and his parents. Bam slapped his brother on the shoulder.

"Are you happy to be back with her?" he asked.

"I couldn't be happier, man," Matt replied. "I've never felt like this before."

"Dude, we've known for years now that you and Princess would end up together."

"But you were too dumb to realize it," Gabe butt in.

"Geez, thanks guys," Matt laughed. "I'm planning on keeping her around now that I have her. In fact, I'm planning on proposing."

Everybody around the fire froze. They had heard that last sentence.

"GRANDBABIES!" Ami squealed, standing up.

"MOM!" Matt yelled and then quieted down, looking up at the house. "Grandbabies aren't going to be coming anytime soon. But shhh, don't ruin the surprise."

"Oh...sorry," she whispered, sitting back down next to Billy.

"When did you get a ring?" Bear wondered.

"I didn't get a ring. I made her one," Matt explained.

"And for once you took my advice," Noah spoke up. "I've taught you well, brother."

"Noah, you didn't teach me anything," Matt chuckled. "Nice try though, brotha."

Rory heard squealing from outside and looked out of the upstairs window. Ami was standing up with an excited look on her face. Matt was talking to her and she calmed down. Rory smiled. Ami was clearly excited about something and Matt looked awfully embarrassed. She wondered what it was about. She'd have to ask Ami about it later.

"Rory, we aren't finished with you yet," Rain said.

Rory pushed the curtain back into place and turned towards the girls. They were going through her bag, looking at the clothes she had brought.

"Ugh, I totally need to teach you fashion," Rain said, picking up a camo shirt and looking at it in disgust.

"Hey, that's my favorite shirt!" Rory complained, yanking it from the twelve year old and holding it to her chest.

Rain rolled her eyes. "You might as well be with Bear with all this camo you have."

Rory laughed and tossed the camo shirt at Rain, hitting her in the face. She gasped and looked at Rory with her mouth wide open. Then the three of them began giggling.

"I guess this outfit will do," Rain finally said after a few more moments.

"Why do I have to change anyways?" Rory asked.

Bird and Rain exchanged glances, but didn't say a word. The girls were the first to know of Matt's plan. Matt had told them before he left to pick up Lorelei. He had told them to spiff her up when she got back just so everything was perfect.

"Just get changed," Bird ordered.

"Demanding!" Rory laughed and did what they said.

"Makeup time!" Rain cheered and sat Rory down at a chair when she was finished changing.

Rory's eyes grew wide. Rain had her own makeup kit she had gotten from town and often wore it. It usually consisted of heavy eye makeup. She hoped the young girl wouldn't do that to her.

"Easy on the makeup," she warned the two girls.

Bird and Rain once again exchanged glances and smirked before coming close to her face.

"Oh god," Rory moaned as the torture began.

Half an hour later, she was finished being subjected to the girls painful makeover.

"Are you ready to look?" Bird asked her.

"Sure, why not?" she sighed.

Bird held a mirror up in front of Rory's face and she gasped at the reflection. She looked beautiful. There was light eye makeup bringing the color of her eyes out. Mascara made her eyelashes longer. On her lips was a light pink gloss and her cheeks were rosy. They had brushed out her hair into her normal waves, not the ratty mess it had been from the boat ride there.

"Thank you girls. I look great!" she thanked the girls.

"Anything for you," Rain smiled, hugging her soon to be sister in law. "Now let's go show Matt!"

Bird grabbed Rory's hand and led her over to the door. The family was still sitting around the fire. Bird stepped out of the door and made an announcement.

"And I now present...the lovely Lorelei Joy Hawes!" she declared, pointing towards the door.

Matt stood up and looked to where Lorelei was being pushed out of the door by Rain. She walked shyly out to the family and Matt's jaw dropped. His beautiful girlfriend was leaving him speechless. She was normally beautiful, but all done up like this, she was stunning.

"Uh...hi," Rory mumbled.

Matt reached for her hand and she placed her hand in his. He pulled her close and looked her in the eyes. The family looked at one another and they all began singing a popular tune. Matt took that chance to make this moment perfect. He began swaying back and forth with her, dancing around the area near the fire. Billy offered his hand to his wife and they began dancing as well. The other boys took turns dancing with their little sisters. The night had surely turned into an interesting one.


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