Chapter 4

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Kimerea timidly entered Drew's office. "You wanted me down here?"

Drew stood from his desk and walked towards her. Getting uncomfortably close, he reached behind her and closed the door. Then he bent his head down and smelled Kimerea. "You wreak of him." Drew said scrunching up his nose in disgust. "Did you fuck him?"

Surprised by his question, Kimerea didn't respond very quickly.

Drew hit Kimerea square in the ribs, "Did you or did you not fuck him!?" Drew's voice grew sharp and angry.

"N-no... I didn't", large tears of pain ran down her face and smeared her makeup. Kimerea stood there clutching her side as she waited for Drew to speak. He stayed silent for the longest time, then, he stepped forward and pressed his body into Kimerea and bent down to her ear. "You are not to even fantasize about him let alone fuck him, I own you." He coldly whispered in her ear. "Lift up your shirt where you were punished," Drew said stepping back.

Kimerea did what he said and lifted the left side of her shirt. A large reddish purple bruise was beginning to form. With one hand, Drew pressed around the bruise. "Nothing's broken but you are going to have a nasty bruise." Turning around, Drew walked back to his desk and took the two ice cubes from his scotch and wrapped them in the cloth napkin that sat under the glass. Turning back to Kimerea he pressed the makeshift ice pack to her bruised ribs.

"Seriously, Kimerea, you need to be more careful when going down the stairs."

Kimerea was quickly taken back, "What?"

Drew gently glided his fingers around her ribs, "This, silly." He face turned cold and stern. "You bruised your ribs when you fell down stairs" Drew's voice forced the words onto her. "Isn't that right?"

Afraid of what might happen if she disagreed, Kimerea nodded her head.

"Good girl, I want you to go home and rest, you have a photoshoot tomorrow morning bright and early. I'll tell Deamon to be here tomorrow." 

"But I don't work tomorrow,"

"Now you do, remember to be careful on the stairs." With that, Drew pushed Kimerea out of his office.

Kimerea stood there cofused and upset. Drew had been rough before but he never left marks until now.


"Morning, Ki!" Kallel greeted Kimerea at the door of Bliss. Her face fell as she noticed the way Kimerea cradled her side. "What happed?"

"I..." Kimerea was afraid to tell the truth, knowing she'd be punished if she did. "I fell down stairs yesterday and bruised my side, no biggie." 

Kimerea had always prided herself on her ability to lie but no matter how well she did it she could never fool Kallel.

"Okay, that's the story the public will here," She crossed her arms, "Now, what really happened?"


" 'Nothing you can't handle' yeah yeah, I know." Her expression  softened, "I just don't want you to get hurt" With saying that she looked down at Kimerea's side. "And now, your hurt, so what happened?"

Kimerea stayed silent as they walked towards the elevator but Kallel figured it had to do with the previous morning.

"Was it Drew?" Kallel pushed the button for the elevator to open.

"No, I fell down the stairs," Kimerea laughed nervously, "you know me constantly tripping on air. It's the exact reason I don't wear heels." The two of them stepped inside the elevator and the doors close behind them. Kallel reached out and chose they're destined floor. She gave up the conversation there was no talking to Kimerea when she doesn't want to talk.

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