Oh Please

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I woke up before Brandon did. His arms are still around me, my back to his chest. I don't try to move. I want to stay here like this forever. But after about ten minutes, Brandon started moving.

"Sleep well?" I ask.

"With an angel in my arms, how couldn't I?" He kisses the back of my head and sits up.

"What were you dreaming of before that?" I also sit up and move next to him.

"Parents fighting. Used to happen a lot when they were together."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Everything is perfect now."

"Oh please." I can't help but to hide my face so he couldn't see the stupid smile on it. He kisses the back of my head gently.

"Breakfast time. What would you like?" Brandon asks.

"I am in the mood for some fruit," I answer.

"Strawberries? Apples? Grapes? Blueberries? Bananas?"

"Replace bananas with pineapples and that would be perfect."

"Well," Brandon hops up from bed and takes his shirt off "I need to go shopping then. Wanna come?" He throws on a dark blue t-shirt shirt from the closet. I smile at him and wave for him to come to me. And when he does, I wrap my arms and legs around him and I bury my head into his neck.

"Only if you carry me to the car," I whisper and kiss his neck. Brandon chuckles and lifts me off the bed, then carries me out to his car.

I stand on the front of the cart while Brandon pushes it. There weren't many people in the store, but I still got strange looks. You don't have to be a kid to find this fun.

On top of the fruit, Brandon bought some junk food for himself and some candy for me. He got burgers and pizzas and snacks, and I got warheads and cry baby tears, along with more candy that are supposed to be sour.

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