the date

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I was currently in my room deciding on what to wear.

I couldn't find any thing.

I decided to call up trinity my best girly fashion knows what to wear girl.

on the phone-




n- hey trin. I need help with fashion.

t-be over in 2


trinity suddenly comes barging in and goes to my shopping mall(that's what I like to calls my closet)

she picks out a cute strapless blue striped top and a pair of high waisted shorts.

Austin told her about us going to the beach she told me to put on my blue striped bikini


during the date

I ran in the water and autonomy ran in after me determined to beat me at surfing even though he knows I'm gonna win any ways.

after about 10 mins of him losing I spotted niall behind a sand castle.

if hew wanted a show he's gonna get one.

I walked straight up to Austin and full one started kissing him.

he showed and asked me y and soon caught on because he saw niall.

when we walked to the car we were both laughing historically.

I soon developed a plan.

I would give niall the cold shoulder.

as soon as I walked in I saw niall breathing deeply as though he ran a marathon and saw sweat dripping from him.

I decided to just ignore him and eat his cake he made to male him realize I hated him right now

ok ok so I was being theatrical but still I did eat his cake and 1 week had passed and he was verging me to forgive him

literally he went on his knees and crossed his hands and begged

pretty pleeaasee. pleeaasee pleeaasee forgive me. I promise I not Salk u on dates anymore please

I finally decided to forgive him if he never did it again. and he meant it when he said it. trust me he was practically in tears and I gave him a hug and he hugged me tight and I hugged tighter.this is how it always is. we did a hugging contents to see who could hug the tightest I lost and he nearly

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