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"You should go out with us," Ella commented as she sat next to Beyonce in the nail shop getting her toes done in the expensive leather, electronic seats. Beyonce was barely listening. She had been in desperate need of a back massage every since Rosario had given her one once and no one seemed to be able to deliver. Well no one was available. And the chair was doing wonders for her.

Beyonce let her head fall back against the leather headrest and she closed her eyes in content. Nika, who was seated on the other side of her, tapped her shoulder with an amused smirk. "Don't you nut in that chair! I ain't tryna get banned," she whispered loud enough for the two of them to hear.

Beyonce lifted her head and grinned. "Shut up."

Ella touched her chest. "So wasn't nobody listening to me?"

Nika smiled past Beyonce at her. "I was listening. Go ahead."

Ella straightened herself in her chair and nodded in a dignified manner. "Club Fahrenheit is having a ladies night and I think we should go."

Nika lifted her recently arched eyebrows and warmed to the idea. "Really?"

Beyonce flicked her eyes between the two of them. "We who?"

Ella bit her lip a second, knowing that convincing Beyonce to do anything nowadays was almost impossible. She flicked her eyes at Nika and then back at Beyonce. "All of us girl. Who you think?"

Beyonce smirked. "I think everybody but me. You know I ain't in the mood for no club."

Nika rolled her eyes. She was a little more persistent than Ella and so it was easier for her to talk a little harder. "Oh you ain't in the mood for shit but moppin' nowadays."

The Asian woman sitting at her feet, scrubbing her feet thoroughly stopped temporarily and looked at her as if she couldn't believe what she had said. "What?"Nika said in a challenging manner. Beyonce exchanged glanced with Ella and grinned discreetly. She couldn't help but to smile. Nika was always like that.

"Anyway," Nika said looking away. "We need you to come out. You can't drink so you can drive." She smiled mischievously and Beyonce knew the excuse was a joke. Nika wouldn't do her like that... right?

"Whatever the answer is still no. I gotta pick Shawn's mom and sister up from the airport." Beyonce sat back and let the chair do its bidding again. Beyonce's eyes closed and she was getting a little sleepy between the foot massage and the chair itself.

"Shawn, Shawn, Shawn," Ella said. "You still worried about that nigga even when he out of town."

Nika laughed. "She got a point. All you do is worry about Shawn."

Beyonce put her hand up in defense. "Yeah, so? He's my man."

"But he ain't even here!" Nika took her hand and made Beyonce look at her. "Girl if I was you and Davone hadn't taken all my cards away, I would max the hell outta all those damn cards you holding on to like they collectables. Shit, I'd by that new Jimmy Choo collection. The whole damn thing!"

The Asian looked up again and Nika was already looking at her. "What?" she said belligerently. Beyonce just stared down at the bright red nail polish she was getting put on her toes. She liked red. So did Shawn. He was suppose to be coming home in a day or two and that's why Debra and Tiny were coming into town. She had to get them from the airport in about two hours and she had simply gone out with her two friends because she didn't have anything better to do. Her life had been rather empty lately. With Shawn gone and her friends into things that didn't interest her like partying and shopping and being typical celebrity wives, she didn't have much to look forward to.

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