Untitled Part 7

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The sun was high overhead when they finally reached a sign on the outskirts of a town. It was a rather regular size sign, seeming to be made of old moldy and decrepit wood. Dipper leaned in closer to figure out what it said. And even with that, it took him awhile to figure out what it said.

"Welcome to Masten, the most Amish place on earth, or anywhere else" Dipper said aloud as he read the sign "huh... Never heard of this place before." Dipper started to walk forward when Bill floated in front of him

"Wow wow hold your horses Pine tree. We just can't go waltzing in there with no plan. How are you gonna explain your getup? " Dipper thought for a moment

 "I'll just say I'm a priest."Dipper said with a shrug and bill frowned, or at least tried to. And by try, since he had no mouth, all he could do was give Dipper a mean glare

" oh cmon! That's never gonna hold up! You don't know a thing about religion! And besides.... " bill sighs" what will I do while your in that town?" Dipper thought for a moment and then smiled

"Just hide in my mind" he said rather confidently. Bill shrugged 

"Well, all right Pines, but..... Look. Let's just wait a bit OK? I mean at least until mid day when everyone is awake." Bill gave a worried expression on his face and Dipper gave a sigh of weakness 

"Fine Bill, you win But what will we do in the mean time?" At this Bill smiled

"Well let's talk all about ME" Bill gave the same face and stance Gideon used to give in all his stupid commercials for his psychic show. But as the seconds passed, Dipper realized he was serious and smiled at this .

"Wait, your serious?! You'll actually tell me what you are? Where you're from?!? Wait..... How do I know you won't be lying to me?"

"Well Dipper, you know me well enough, I made a promise to you, and I will add to it. I will not lie to you about my past" Bill held out a blue flame covered hand and Dipper shook it slowly. And with that Bill sat,well more like floated in front of Dipper in a meditative pose. "Now where to begin... Hmmm the end, here, my home dimension, or how I came to be? Eh let's just start at the beginning" with this Dipper remembered the Infinjournal and grabbed it, along with a pen and got ready to write what he heard.

" Ahem. Let's see, it all began about 1.25 trillion years ago, I came into existence. Now, I'm not gonna go into details about 4th dimensional reproduction, but let's just say if I did tell you, you would want to tear your eyes out and bleach your mind of all memories. But to give you a hint it involves many planets, a few spatial dimensions, chocolate syrup and.... Just kidding!!!" Bill laughed and pulled himself back into composure. "Sorry about that had to and now its in that journal but anyway back to the story.

" well you see dipper I'm what your scientists would call, a fourth dimensional being.  The place I lived in for past trillion years or so is a prison of some sorts for my people where they stuck evil being... Like what I am per say. It's different from your prisons in the fact that it is separate from most planes of reality and most dimensions. But your planet is unique in that... Well, it acts like a one way mirror of sorts that's kind of transparent.... To only me. And I'll explain why later. But I'm getting to far ahead myself. 

"You see, to your species and dimension, I am incredibly old. But to my people, I'm actually only a teenager or young adult in your terms. That would explain why I act a certain way, I.E. Tricking your species, making fun of you and making you all feel like crap. You see my species is much more long lived then yours, well. I wouldn't really call my people a species, more like a group of unique individuals. You see, these powers I show you are as common to my people as talking and walking are to your species is.  Except I was born with a much different powers, Yes i get the usual Fourth Dimensional powers but I also am one of the very few that can do a very unusual thing. I can have a somewhat small grasp of the abilities used by fifth Dimensional Beings!" At this Dipper stopped Bill

"Wait what? you can use.... powers of the fifth Dimension? But i thought you were from the fourth Dimension." Bill chuckled 

"Well that's the funny thing, You see, my people are like yours in one respect, there is once in a very long while a being that comes along with the ability to peer and use certain powers from the Dimension above theirs, I.E. some humans are lucky enough to use some powers of the fourth Dimension. Same with my people. Some of us can use powers of the fifth Dimension.

"Now, I won't go into my powers of the Fifth Dimension but I will say they are few and unique to me. But anyway. There is a reason why I was in that Said Prison. You see..... I once had a family like you. A sister even. I was kind of like you actually, questioning the world around me, always looking for the answers to mysteries and somewhat scared of what i was finding as well. But like you I had my sister beside me the whole time.... But in actuality, that's what caused her downfall." Bill looked sad at this and gave a sigh of displeasure at bringing back a memory he had thought he had put away forever.

"I'm not gonna go into detail but lets just say I was wrongfully framed for my sisters death and put in that prison for the rest of my life because....to my people, Taking a beings life is one of the worst crimes.... Taking the one greatest Gift, that's the most damnable act there possibly is In my world. So long story short, they stuck me in there with all the other worst criminals and locked it up, and I've been watching your world ever since I found it, able to show up to humans every once in awhile, making deals here and there to try and get out.... and soon I lost all sanity of my original self 

"But anyway, you can probably figure out the rest Pinetree, I stayed in Gravity Falls when Ford came. Then time flies and here we are." Bill Shrugged. "Anything else?"

"No, not that I can think of" Dipper closed the journal and set it in his pack along with the pen and slowly stood up. But deep in Dipper's mind, he thought of a few questions that he wanted to ask... but kept them at bay instead. "Cmon Bill. Lets go" he smiled and Bill perked up

"You got it Pinetree" he gave a happy look and slowly, went into dippers mind. Dipper groaned as he felt like his mind would explode but it slowly faded as he turned and looked into a puddle and saw he had Bills eyes, but he was still in control of his body and smiled "well, lets get going Bill" and with that, he turned toward Masten and started walking as the sun hung over them like a great white eye watching them ominously.

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