Dairy Entry #6

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Sorry I haven't been writing I'm been really busy with....life. Life sucks you know that? It gets rid of the things you love most. Prussia is still sad but when I asked Canada he said that he couldn't see where he was. He said that he could still hear his voice but Canada couldn't see him. I feel bad for him. Well now you remind me everyone has been gloomy these days...including Italy. He's always happy now... I don't know what's going on with everyone. Maybe it's all the war thats going around. Well I heard Italy and Germany got in a big fight and started a war together. But Italy lost that war now he's so sad. I haven't been myself lately either. I admit that now. I snap at people I'm always angry. I think I'm starting to be like England...
Alfred F. Jones

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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