Always listen

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I always wondered why my mom kept telling me not to go outside. "ITS NOT SAFE!!" She would tell me. I was scared to come out of my room. My whole like she told me this. At this point I'm 13 years old. So I decide to do something about it.
"Mom...why can't I go outside?"
"I said-"
"Mom...I'm old enough to know."
"'s a scary world out there...u can't get hurt!"
"Well I hate how u always treat me like a baby!!"
"I'm doing what's best fo-"
"For what??? For u!!??"
"Just stay inside."
I still don't get why she won't let me go I run into my room and shut the door and lock it. I hear yelling down stairs and listen through my door. All I can hear is this; "we can't let her see the real world." I'm confused on what's going on. I decide I'm going to run away for the night and see this "real world" whatever that means.

I start to pack my bags and I still hear the yelling, but it's getting louder. So I pack my bags faster. I open my window and sit on the ledge mumbling; "I'll make it...there's nothing to be scared about." Right as I land on the ground, I hear my mom screaming and yelling my name. I run faster. I can't let her see where I go

I finally made it to my woods. It's about 7:00 pm right now so I have a while until it's night. I found my old tree house that I made a while back. I climb up and put my stuff in it and I relax. I wonder why my mom doesn't want me to be out at night.. I think to myself. Nothing is scary expect for walking into spider webs. I thought to myself; I might just sleep for a tiny bu to waist some time. So I fell asleep and woke up no noises all around me. I heard...what was that..? It sounded like screams. I checked the time, it was 12:00. I looked around and nothing bad was there...weird.

I climb down the ladder and look around. Nothing's there. All there silence. "Wow maybe my mom just hates me and doesn't want me to go outside." I whispered to myself.

I felt something tap my shoulder, but no one was around. I looked up. And there it was....a body hanging.
"AHHH OH MY GOSH!!" I screamed
"Shhhh." A voice said behind me
I start to turn around but I feel a hand cover my mouth and drag me away. As they pulled me away I saw many bodies above me. No one was around to hear me scream. I couldn't move either.

And then...everything went black.

I finally woke up to someone hovering over me. I kept trying to move but nothing worked. Finally the duck tape fell off my mouth and onto my neck.
"U are going to be a big part of my collection."
"U know, my body collection."
Why are u doing-"
"I love the look when children are hung and sway with the trees."
"Why do u do this."
"It's fun."
"Let me go!!!"
"What's the fun in that..."

They left the room and I jolt up, I make a run for it. After like 1 hour I made my way out. I look around me and there are people everywhere. Once I stepped out of the layer, they turned to me and started chanting; "one of us, one of us." I could slowly feel myself going insane. Their eyes glowed bright red, they chased me. I climbed my tree that I used to climb when I was younger. It seemed that those "people" couldn't reach me. But as I turned my head there was a man with half of a face and it was peeled off, he tried to reach for me. I screamed and fell into the crowd of "people"

As they bend down onto their knees looking at me I felt myself going numb and everything turned black again. I woke up in the layer again.
"Again." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"You don't stop do u."
"No!! I won't and I never will stop!"
She grabbed out a needle and told me; this won't hurt at all. She started sticking them in my eyes until I went blind. She started cutting up my arms and carved something. I'm pretty sure it said; "experiment # 35" I was confused.

I started getting my sight back. I looked up and the person pulled off their was my mom..
"They never listen..."
And everything went black.

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