the guitar

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AUGUST 29TH 1993.

Amelia had nothing much to do that day. Every book that tagged along to the aslyum were mind-numbing and it wasn't like she could find new books to explore.

As she walked down the hallway, she heard someone playing the guitar. She looked into the room and saw Campbell, playing. She stood at the doorway for a while as she listened to him play. When he was done, she clapped and entered the room.

"You can play the guitar?" She asked. It was a stupid question but there was nothing else to ask. "It's the only thing I do around here now because it's so boring. I learned it and I'm great at it," He sighed as he continued to strum a few chords. "Do you know how to play 'Hey Jude'? I like that song," She asked and sat down next to him.

After thinking of how the song went, he nodded and started to play it. It wasn't the best but he figured the notes and she helped him. He sang with a soft, mellow voice and Amelia accompanied his singing quietly. When the song finished, there was a short moment of silence.

"My nan would sing 'Hey Jude' to me all the time. She liked the song and I liked it too. She passed away last year. It was sad but I was glad she rested in peace. A lovely woman she was," Amelia mumbled, she gave a watery smile and sighed. "Sorry 'bout your nan, Green," Campbell said. After that, they sat there with an odd awkward tension.

Amelia turned to look at Campbell. Unknowingly, she started to stare at him and notice things she had never seen before. Tiny details like freckles and how his nose sort of bends to the side, the way his ears were of different sizes. She could even go on about his hair for days. His hair was a great, lovely, vibrant colour. It looked so luscious and if she could, she would run her fingers through his hair over and over again.

At that moment, he seemed to become so flawless in her eyes.

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