Waking Up to a Horror Story

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I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 4

Bella's Pov

I wake up to the sounds of hushed whispering. I open my eyes and look around. I am locked in a white cage with at least a hundred other people. The room we are in is very large. It's about the size of three football fields. Across the room there are other large cages with different colors on them. I can barely make out the sign above the door but I think it says Hawaii. Where am I?

"Oh look, Mommy! Bella's awake!" I hear the voice of a little girl squeal. She sounds like my Emily. I turn to look at her and everything comes back to me. The town was deserted and I got a scary phone call from Taylor. My family is gone and vampires are chasing me. They catch me and everything goes black.

Emily looks like she needs a bath and has a bruise on her arm. What happened to her? I look for Phil and Renee, but they aren't in the cage with us.

I look at Emily and ask her to tell me what's going on.

"The people who took us are vampires. We are to be auditioned to see if we are useful or not. If we are then we will be auctioned off to them, if not then we will be killed. Hawaii was the last place in the world where they took the humans. We were lucky. They were searching for anyone who they didn't catch, but they found no one. You were the last person in the world that was free." Emily said with great sadness.

"Sweetie, where are mom and dad?" I said with worry thinking they had already auditioned.

"They are in a different cage. We are the last place they are going to audition. Our color will be last as well. I don't know what the colors mean, but I hope ours means we are good."

"What color cage are they in?"

"They're in the red one."She said as she pointed to a cage about ten feet away.

"Mom!" I yell desperately trying to get her attention.

She hears me and smiles a sad smile at me. I know she is trying to be strong for all of us.

"I'm glad you're awake, but I want you to understand something." She said in a serious tone. She's never serious so this is bad.

"Anything you need or want me to do, I'll do it for you." I said in a stern voice to let her know I was listening.

"The colors on the cages lets you know what type of people are in there. White is the highest and most promising color so they audition you last. The darker the color on the cage is, the less promising those people are. Red is the fourth cage down out of seven. I want you to know that Phil and I probably won't make it." Renee said. Her face was like a stone. You couldn't understand what she was feeling. You knew how Emily and I were feeling. We were crying like babies in the corner. Why hasn't Edward done anything to help us? Oh, that's right, he pretty much forgot about me.

"Girls, we don't want you to cry. I just have a feeling and whenever I get that feeling...." We cut her off by saying "you're always right." It was nice to have at least a little normality in this chaotic place.

"Bella, I want you to do whatever it takes to get you and your sister out of here alive. Make sure you auction together so you're not separated. Show them all of your talents, Bella. Emily, show them how wonderful you dance and both of you will be fine. Promise me, Bella." She said with a sadness in her eyes.

I reluctantly said, "I promise," because it felt like I was saying goodbye.

After a few moments of silence, I noticed a TV screen on the wall and it showed a number that kept rising. As if knowing I was wondering about that, Emily said, "That's the number of people who died because they didn't seem useful."

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