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Bea ran into her fathers room. She jumped on the bed and tackled her dad.

"Daddy! It's Christmas!" She yelled in his ear.

"Shh don't have to scream sweetie." She sat back as Louis sat up. She looked over at Niall, he twisted in his sleep from all the noise.

"Ni! Wake up its Christmas." She said said happily. He opened his eyes and was met with her big smile.

"Well why don't you go brush your teeth and we will meet you in the living room." She nodded and left the room.

Niall sat up stretching and looking over at Louis.

Louis smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him.

"Not until we brush our teeth." Louis rolled his eyes and got out of bed. They both did a small morning routine and went to meet Bea.

"Presents or stockings?" Louis asked sitting next to the small girl.

"Presents!" She clapped.

About an half an hour later they finally get to stockings. Niall was scared about Louis gift, what if he didn't like them enough to go in concert?

Louis pulled out the folded paper. He gave his boyfriend a confused look.

"Just un fold the thing." Bea looked over his shoulder to see what it was.

Louis stood up and Niall did the same in fear. Louis dropped the tickets on the floor and jumped into Nialls arms.

"Thank you" Louis said a million times.

Niall sighed in relief and held him.

"Your welcome babe." When Louis moved his head from his neck they shared that morning kiss that never happened.

"What is it?" Bea asked as she looked at the paper in confusion. Louis bent down to explain.

"They are concert tickets. You know that song you love? The one with the where did I go wrong." She nodded but still had confusion written on her face.

"Well the people who sing that song are coming here to sing that and all their other songs live." She smiled.

"Can I come!" She asked.

"I only bought two. But if I can I can buy you one too. If not you can have my ticket." Louis stood back up and faced Niall.

"You don't have to do that. This is something I want to do with you. Bea can go to her friends house."


"No buts plus your ears are too sensitive still." Bea frowned and looked at the ground.

"Hey don't be sad. Do you want me to bring my Wii over so you can play your games?" She lifted her head and smiled.

"Please." The fake blond hugged the girl

"Of course. Be right back."

He ran down the street and grabbed the counsel and controllers.

He came back and set it up while Louis made breakfast. When Niall finished he got Bea to sit at the kitchen table and wait for her eggs, bacon and toast.

Bea excused herself to the bathroom when she saw the couple holding hands across the table.

She went into her room and grabbed her picture of her on Santas lap.

"Thank you for the best Christmas ever."

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