Chapter Eighteen: Camping! (PART ONE)

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"Riri, I changed my mind we cant go camping during my two week break" Shun frowned.

"But-but you promised" I pouted.

"Yes yes I know! But we can do something else" he smiled.

"How about you Madi, Airi, Kai and I go to the mall?" I smirked. There was no way in hell he was going to take away my camping trip.

"Yeah that sounds cool!" he smiled.

He got all dressed up and Madi, Airi Kai and I all wore matching outfits. Cropped, plaid, westurn T-shirts, and booty shorts. We wore working boots and tube socks. We all piled into a Jeep we had all rented and Madi drove the whole way.

"Madi the mall is that way" Shun reminded.

"About that, Shun we're not going to the mall" she snickered.

"W-Where are we going?" he asked.

"The great outdoors~!" Airi answered.

"Dear god no! Please no! I didn't pack any clothes" he complained.

"Well that's just too bad" I smirked.


Shun's POV:

I watched as all hope left my mind as the city disappeared from sight. All around I was surrounded by green. And animals with huge eyes, and teeth, and I hope I don't find out appetite. Finally Maddison parked the car at a small old people looking store. It had been the first franchise I had seen for four hours, or atleast thats how long it felt. "Yay! Maybe I can catch a Taxi!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of the jeep. I looked and there was only a small road with no cars. "Just my luck" I groaned.

"Buy whatever you need to last you for two weeks" Riri smiled at me.

"Do they sell jetpacks?" I smirked.

"No" she rolled her eyes. She climbed out of the car and I watched her do so. Her stitches went down her thigh. Damn Ootori bastard. He did that to her. I climbed out and wrapped an arm around her waist. She walked towards the drinks and bought a gallon of her favorite tea. I watched as she grabbed beef jerky, white teeth's worst enemy. I looked around and saw a flyswatter. I picked it up and swatted a fly that was on the counter. I hit it and cheered. One landed on my nose and I slapped it with my hand. I wielded my flyswatter like asword and swung at it. I was completely focused on it. That tiny little black speck. I swatted at it and heard a scream. I had just hit Airi on accident.

"Hahahaha I got the real pesky mosquito" I smirked. She glared a me and what happened next my friend was too violent to be pictured. In the end I left with my trusty flyswatter, a flashlight, M&M's, and binoculars. "Mwuahaha! Now I can surely find the city!" I cheered as we drove away from the small store.

"No you cant" Riri laughed.

"And why not?!" I pouted.

"You forgot to get a map" she smirked. Damn her for not telling me until now.

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