Partial Story

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***1month later***

I was just chillin' in my beach house when I got a knock at the door.

I opened up to Kaleah and Elijah. "Hey boo's" I said going back to my breakfast.

"Hey tete" said now 5 year old Elijah

"Hey boo" lele (Kaleah's nickname) said

She took some of my bacon and ate it. "Now who told you to get some of my bacon" I said getting mad

She know I hate when people mess with my food "deze nuts told me to" she said making my smirk

"Haha not funny" I said eating the last of my food "you know it has more breakfast on the stove"

She took the rest of my food off the stove for her n Elijah

I just shook my head and headed upstairs. I pulled out some gym cloths and took a shower.

When I got out I put on some lotion then my grey tights and matching sports bra. I put my hair in a ponytail and left lele n Elijah by themselves.

When I got to the gym, I saw Cardea through the window. I haven't seen him in a month or so.

I really don't wanna see him because I just might breakdown. I haven't been depressed in a week or two and his presents makes me think of my meltdown at the hospital.

I decided to name her Taleaya Good and I had her a private funeral. She was Beautiful for five months. I just wish I could do something bout what happened. I feel that its all my fault.

"Are u OK" Cardea said knocking me outta my thoughts.

"Im yea" I said

He wiped under my eye"its OK"

I didn't even know I was crying "I'm sorry"

"For what" he said pulling me into a hug

"For bringing you into my craziness"

"Oh it was no problem, I didn't mind" he is so sweet and fine af

"But on another note... what exactly made you save me"


"What exactly made you safe me" Jay said

Wow I was surprised to see her here. I haven't seen her sense what happened.

"I honestly don't know what made me do that, but for some reason I just wanna make you feel better, like I just wanted to make all of your bad feelings go away" I said honestly

I don't know why I feel like this. Its just something different about her that I am so drawn to and I don't know what it is but I am determined to find out. "Can we take a walk"

I just wanna talk to her. I also wanna hear the rest of her story.

"Sure" we started to walk and talk for about five minutes

"So Jay if you don't mind me asking, um would you mind finishing your story" I really wanted to know what happened

"OK well... Um if I remember correctly I was talking about my mom, after that happened h-he , um..." Can we sit she asked

I looked up to see that we were in front of a beautiful beach house. "Yea, but were are we"

"My house" she said getting her keys out.

She unlocked the door and we walked in. I saw a beautiful girl with a boy eating strawberries.

"Lele!!!" I yelled

"I'm right here" she said from the kitchen

"Hey boo" I said "gimme one" I said

I got one and Cardea cleared his throat "oh lele this is my friend Cardea and Cardea this is my visiting best friend Kaleah"

"Hi" lele said "this is my son Elijah"

"Oh hey" Cardea said "but um can you finish"

"OK well if you need anything I will be upstairs" I said getting another strawberry

"OK have fun" lele winked

I threw my stem at her. When we got upstairs I sat on my pink bed. "OK like I was saying um...after that situation he beat me again and h-he he stole my prized possession" I said tearing up again "he took it with no mercy"

I was so close to breaking down. I just wanna let go all over again

"Ma don't cry, its not your fault" he said wiping my tears again

"I just don't understand what I did to him" I said still crying "I mean I was so calm all of the time and I tried to stay outta the way but it just wasn't happening with him"

I was now in his arms. He kissed my forehead and told me it was OK. That was just what I needed. I feel like after everything I deserve like could atleast be held and told that everything was gonna be alright even if it wasn't, I just needed some security in my life.

"I was never the same" I cried

*poor Ja'Kaylon and her life its sooooo sad...sike I don't feel bad cuz I'm plottin' some shit ;-)
*I think she should get therapy but idk
Help me out y'all

~Queen Victoria

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