Chapter 6 : Hanging out

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I sat in the library, staring at a window. A bird landed on the windowsill and started to clean it's wings.

I envied that little bird. My punishment for punching Maddison in the nose was detention in the library the rest of  week.

A few days ago, when we were discussing the fight between Maddison and I in Mr. Simon's office, I got really mad. Really—really—mad. We sat in his office for an hour arguing about who's fault it was. I was practically my own lawyer.

"She provoked me." I argued, standing up from my chair. "She called me ugly and harassed me!"

"I did not!" Maddison argued. "I simply tugged on your wrist." She said this with the most innocent voice I have ever heard. I wanted to punch her again so bad, but I kept my arms crossed over my chest.

"It was unwanted contact! I thought she was a threat to my own safety; I thought she would grab me and pull my arm ad hurt me. So of course, I did what I could to protect myself!"

"From a small touch to your wrist?" Maddison scoffed, "Yeah, cause my small hand is a threat to you." She rolled her eyes.

"She does have a point Ms. Carter. You had no reason to punch Ms. Aaron," Mr. Simon said, giving me a look that said that he wanted me to understand what he meant—a type of sympathy look. Oh I understand quite well, I thought.

"You're playing favourites," I laughed, "I might as well not even try fighting this fight. Because everyone knows when Mr. Simon's has his favourites, they get everything—and I mean everything—they want." I said as I sat back down and cocked my head to the side. He glared back at me.

"This is a waste of time," he said, looking away from my knowing eyes, "Maddison, you are free to go."

"Wow, surprise." I said in the most sarcastic voice possible. "I didn't think he would let his favourite student go." I looked up at Maddison as she got up from her seat. I gave her a fake pout and she glared at me.

"Think about whatever dirty thoughts you want to think, but I know you're just jealous you can't even get a boy to be 6 meters close to you." She bent down and whispered into my ear, all the innocence she had in her voice was gone. "Crows like you were never really the attractive species—unlike the doves, like me. People always thought you ugly birds were pests; and that's just who you are—a pest to this society." She stood up straight again and smiled at me.

"I forgive you for what you did to me Ray," she said, now she spoke in her innocent voice. "I do hope Mr. Simon goes easy on you." She turned on her heal and looked at Mr. Simon.

"Do go easy on her, sir. I do feel she may be too fragile for a very rough punishment." She fluttered her eyes at him. Typical.

"I will take your concern for her into consideration. Thank you Maddison, you may go to class now."

She walked out of his office, and it was just him and I. We argued, and argued for the rest of the period. I practically screamed at him, telling him how manipulative that Barbie Girl Maddison was. But of course he didn't listen. He would have suspended me, but turns out my dad wasn't home to stay with me. They called my dad to inform him about my behaviour, but turns out he was on a business trip for two weeks. I didn't know about this, but I didn't mind either.

Mr. Simon wanted me to be supervised—because he thought I was mental, just like Maddison implied—so he decided to give me detention the rest of the week.

So here I am; sitting in this library that was last updated in the 1900's. It was Friday and this was my last day of detention. Mr. Simon's was sitting in front of me at another table, with my phone in front of him. He was reading the newspaper, which I wasn't surprised to see. The guy looked 50 years old, and I wasn't surprised if he still didn't update his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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