The ruined wedding

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At the wedding
Sarah's pov
God why didn't I tell Ethan that I've loved him since I first met him shit wait I know I'll do it before they kiss
Benny's pov
I do
Ethan's pov
I do
You may now kiss
Sarah: wait Ethan I need to tell you something I've been in love with you ever since I met you
Ethan: Sarah I've loved you since the first day I met you too but I'm sorry I'm deeply in love with Benny I'm sorry Sarah I love you as a friend but I love him as much more than my Bestfriend and plus you belong with Jesse.

Then Ethan and Benny kissed the magic and electricity got so much more stronger there were fireworks everywhere. They got extremely close to each other to where the electricity was in their finger tips,their bones their spine everything was full of electricity. The magic grew deeper because of the kiss they fell deeper in love. The next thing people saw was a black flash of light and everyone saw their true form Benny was a dark fallen angel wizard and Ethan was a dark seer nymph. They looked at each other and they saw all the love and fun and lust in their eyes to where they knew their marriage was going to be a wild ride.

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