Chapter 1:Chad's Crazy Day

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(Chad appears in an unknown room)

Chad: Huh? Where am I? And how did I get here?

(Chad looks around the tiny room)

Chad: Wow…. This room is smaller than a closet, anyway I better find a way out

(Chad slowly gets up and approaches the door, chad opens the door)

Chad: Ok? (Chad looks down the two-way hall) Now what? Damn it...huh?

(Chad notices a light at the right hall)

Chad: right it is(runs down the hall until he reaches a huge room)

Chad: What the…

(Chad notices a light blue haired girl in chains)

Girl: looks at Chad)(weakly) help me….please

Chad: (looks at the helpless girl) (nods his head as he rushes over to her)

???: Heh

(A huge wave of energy hits Chad throwing him against the wall)

Chad: Shit! What was that (grunts) ouch, I can’t feel my body

(Chad looks up and sees a dark figure )

Dark figure: Destiny is at hand, the universe will be pure ,i am a hero

Chad: What are you doing with that girl and what do you mean destiny is at hand?, what are you?

Dark figure: What am I? I AM A GOD!!!!!

(The girl screams as a black aura absorbs her)

Chad:What the hell is going on!!

(The dark figure enlarges in the shape of a humaniod with multiple angel wings)

the humaniod shape: (looks at Chad and roars)

(Dream over)

(Chad falls off the bed)

Chad: Ouch!, man that was a hell of a dream

Radio: Good morning Shinjuku, Tokyo this is Dj Night rider telling the kids to put away the skateboards and pick up the backpacks summer is officially over and school has begun

Chad: (looks at the clock) (yawns)(calmly)  Yep 7:45……What!!! I’m late!!!!!

(Chad quickly dashes around the dorm room, getting ready for school)

(Chad dashes out of the door)

Chad: (runs down the street as he checks his watch) 8:00 Damn it, my first day as a seventh grade and I’m late

Chad: I need to think of a shortcut: (looks at the park) heh!

(Chad runs through the park)

(Chad runs downtown dodges people through the busy city)

Chad :( bumps in too a few people)

Citizen 1: Watch where you’re going kid!

Chad: Sorry

Citizen: Slow down you crazy kid!

Chad : Sorry kind of in a hurry

(Chad runs past a citizen with shades)

Chad: Sorry (grunts)(thoughts) whoa  I just got a weird feeling…….(turns around and looks at the citizen)

Chad: Probably nothing (runs)

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