Time is of the essence

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I have always look at time as something crazy. Time is eerie and frightening. It goes so fast but yet goes so slow. It the twinkling of an eye or in waiting, which feels like forever. Time has always given my the undescribable feeling like a loss, like as if it,time has just disappeared, as if that period never existed. How 2011 which we can never have back but the memories. How once it's gone, it's gone forever. And maybe that's every sci-fi's movie fascination with time travel, cause what if, even though we can't ? What if we can change but we can't and what if we can relive but we can't ? And I feel it too when I look back like Wow it's been that long, look a time just going on it way not caring if we are left in the last few years, hit us like a ray of light and never even warning us. I don't know what the moral to all of this is but I could give you something cliche like Time is valuable so don't waste it but that's nothing to cling onto. But I want to let know that time is a commodity and it's the rarest. Time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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