Bubble Bath

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"Cas, you have to get in the shower!" Dean exclaimed. "You smell like shit, and I don't wanna kick you out of the house." Cas gazed at him with big blue eyes, his face contorting into a pleading pout.

"But Deeean, I don't- I don't like the shower." His bottom lip was sticking out just slightly more than usual, and the corners of his mouth were pulled down a little bit, giving him the perfect innocent look.

"I don't care, Castiel. Get in the shower and deal with it." Dean had to stare at the space between Castiel's eyebrows to keep his stern face set in stone. "You aren't going to die, it's just a little bit of water and soap."

"I don't even need to, I don't know why you are attempting to bathe me!"

"Cas, we aren't having this argument any longer." Dean sighed. "I don't want to do it myself, but if you aren't in there-" He shoved a finger towards the tub, "In the next two minutes, I am going to come in and put you in there myself." His threat made Castiel blush, and Dean had to admit he wasn't too adverse to the idea. But the ex-angel already had enough on his plate, the last thing he needed was the one person he trusted to keep a level head to turn on him and fall head over heels.

Too bad that had already happened.

Dean walked out of the bathroom with an "I'll be back in two minutes." There weren't a lot of places to go in the motel room, and so Dean just sat down on the bed and waited. Sam had refused to try and help get Castiel in the bath, and appointed himself grocery shopper.

"That's shit!" Dean had pointed out.

"We'll I'm not going to try and get him to take a shower, the guy is like a freaking CAT! He wouldn't get in the water if his life depended on it. And yes, I'm sure." Dean opened and closed his mouth like a fish, but Sam continued talking before he could say anything. "But I bet that if it was your life that was depending on it... he'd swim the Atlantic." Dean turned a deep red and spluttered incoherently.

"He- no, I don't... That is so-!"

"Aw, is Dean blushing?" Sam smirked, poking his brother's cheek.

"You know what? Shut up!" When Dean had finally found his voice, he slapped Sam's hand away.

"Okay, but I'm going to go out later, and I don't want to be able to smell your boyfriend from across the room." Dean had scowled and tried to think of something witty and rude in the nanosecond he had before Sam would have won the who's-the-bitchiest contest.

"Shut the fuck up, Samantha."

So that is how Dean realised that Sam had been gone for a total of thirty minutes so far, and he hadn't even so much as attempted to get Castiel bathed.

"Castiel, I am coming in in thirty seconds and I haven't even heard the water turn on!" He shouted at the door. "Just man the fuck up and get in the fucking SHOWER." He threw a shoe at the door, hoping to get some kind of reaction from his friend.

"DO NOT ORDER ME AROUND, DEAN WINCHESTER!" Castiel slammed the door open as he screamed back. He was bordering on hysteria, and Dean immediately noticed the tears sliding down his face.

"Cas, chill out! I-"

"I would LEAVE if I could!" The threat was like that of a six year child attempting to run away, but it still hurt Dean to know that Cas didn't want to be here right now. "But I DON'T HAVE MY WINGS ANYMORE. Do you remember!? I am a helpless child dressed in a trench coat with out my 'mojo'!" The words Dean threw around so often sounded wrong and dirty coming from Castiel's mouth. Dean had known this would happen sometime. Castiel was- for all intents and purposes, a human now, and all humans have their limits. The ex-angel had been very quiet and submissive lately, and it was the equivalent of a time bomb for the Winchester brothers. When would he snap? What was going to push him over the edge? And of course, it just so happened that Dean was alone to take care of Cas when he broke.

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