Chapter 3: Caged Fury

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I awoke in a orange glowing cage. Mystics, of course. Looking at myself I seen that I was in my midway form (half dragon, half human). Grumbling I sat cross legged. Looking around I seen Robin in a similar cage a couple feet away from me.
'Wow this must cost a lot of concentration, Wotan.'
"Robin! Hey, Robin, wake up!" I whisper shouted.
"Ugh, my head. What happened it feels like I have a hangover, except I don't drink." He groaned and sat up. "Hydra? Where are we? What happened?"
I shook my head. "I don't know where we are. I do know what happened though. We were captured by Witch Boy and Sportsmaster with their goons. I was taken by surprise, I'm sorry I couldn't fend them off." I hung my head.
"Don't be, I was taken by surprise too, which rarely happens, but when I do get taken by surprise I crash hard." He said with a shrug and he smirked. I practically melted right there. Good thing it was dark in the room. That would've been embarrassing. Pink and red went through my few scales that were on my head, arms, wings and tail.
"Did your scales just changed color?" He asked.
"Yeah," I blushed harder, shit he noticed.
"What color?"
"I can't tell. But they do that depending on my emotions. It gives them away easily, my emotions, and it takes a lot of concentration to keep my scales from changing all the colors of the stinking rainbow." I said with a shrug.
"What do the colors stand for?" He asked.
"Pink: embarrassed or flattered, it basically blushing. Red: angry or with pink, blushing . Blue: pain wether it's physical or mental. Orange: happy. Black: sad or with red and blue, I think you get the point of that. Green: disgusted or sick. Yellow: content. If you put the colors together you get the mixed emotions." I explained.
"But why in your dragon form you are a mixture of purple, blue and black?"
"Those are my colors that I stick with, but when a single color comes through that is the emotion that I'm feeling. Oh and purple is a mixture of anger, sadness and pain."
"I seen blue flicker through your scales back at the cave. What caused that?"
"The-," my eyes widened in realization, "the tracker." I whispered to him more mouthing it to him than speaking. His domino mask eyes widening, then his mouth turned into a grin then a smile then a smirk then a wicked smile that could dominate the Joker's evil grin as a plan formed in his amazing mined. Wait did I just say amazing?
"You are brilliant, Hydra!" He whisper shouted. "Would the tracker still be there when you change back?"
I nodded my head furiously, "of course it's still there, I put it under a scale so therefore it grew into my skin until I change back and then I'll be able to take it out." He started to nod, thinking.
"Can you break out of here?" He asked.
"I might, I'll try. But if I do anything they'll know and then they'll kill you. Witch Boy already said he would."
"I'll explain later, right now let's focus on escape." I started to change. I finished and let out an angry roar. "Rrroooaaarrr!!!!" I reared up and blew fire at the bars. They slowly started to melt. I stopped blowing fire and spit my venom at the bars, it doesn't melt inorganic things but it's highly flammable. Once I was done the bars melted enough for me to fit through. I stepped out of the cage. I growled in pure fury. Red flared in stripes throughout my scales. I turned to Robin's cage. Not wanting to hurt him I just spit the venom on the bars. It started to melt but the process was taking to long. How dare they threaten his life! They will pay! With. Their. Lives! Black was mixing in my scales, blending with the red taking over the purple.
"That is a good color for you." Said Robin, purple taking over once again as my expression softened. There were still red here and there. The bars finally melted and Robin stepped through. I knelt down so he could climb on. As he got seated between my shoulder blades someone spoke.
"She has never excepted a rider so easily, but once I kill you, Robin, she will bow down to me once again." Said Witch Boy. I hissed and flared my wings red filling the membranes, it didn't phase him. "Or, Hydra, you can surrender to me and he will go unharmed."
I felt a itching at the back of my brain I instantly knew what it was, 'Robin! I know you can hear me'
'What? Hydra! How?'
'It's a connection we have between you and I, its permanent unless you or I die. The thing is what he said is true, if he kills you I will have no choice but to surve him. But if he were to kill me you would go free.'
'So basically I'm stuck with you forever?'
'You sound like you don't like that' 'No, no I have no problem with that but what if one of us dies of natural causes?'
'The other will suffer the same fate, but you will most likely die before me so I will suffer your fate'
"So what do you say, Hydra, will you surrender or will I have to kill him?"
"She said neither." Robin responded for me.
"What! You two have the mind link! No, ugh! This is going to be a lot harder now! Attack!!!" Shadow creatures came out of nowhere until we were surrounded.
I drew in a breath and fired flames.
'Call the team! Hurry I will soon run out of fire!'
'On it!'
Luckily he still had his utility belt on, he turned on his comm.
"Robin to cave, Robin to cave come in!"
"We're here where are you did hydra kidnap you?"
"No we were kidnapped by Witch Boy and Sportsmaster. Sending you our coordinates, get he ASAP." With that the call ended.
'Robin what ever happens I need you to escape. If I'm captured and you escape I will be able to resist his control, so no matter what you escape! Got it?'
'Got it but I still won't leave you here!' He said as we fought the shadow creatures to get to the exit. I rammed my shoulder into the door putting all of my weight into the hits, the door bent and creaked under my weight. I backed up again. I lowered my head and sprang forward and pushed off with my legs ramming my shoulder against the door again, it gave way allowing us a escape route. Robin climbed up on my shoulders again as I took off.
The walls, thankfully, were wide enough for my to fly. We sped along the wide corridors. I was using my nose to guide me out of the maze like walls.
Finally we reached the doors leading outside. 'Robin do you have a bomb big enough to blow that thing?'
'As a matter of fact, I do, give me a minute'
'Anything, you might want to hurry, though they might be here any minute' I stood watch as he set up the bomb. After a minute or two he said done and climbed up on my shoulders.
'Thirsty seconds go!' I ran down the hallway. And covered Robin from the explosion. I didn't wait till the dust cleared. I ran out and spread my wings flapping them as I go airborne.
I looked back to see the shadow creatures stream out of the hole we made. But we were long gone.
----time skip 2 hours later----
"Hydra, you need to rest, we've been flying for over two hours now and I can tell you're already dropping in altitude." Robin said as I struggled to flap my wings my muscles aching. I sighed and set myself into a glide to a meadow. Tripping as I landed, me being me I fell on my face. I forced myself to shift in to my midway form.
"Ow, damn, ow, damn." I said as I picked myself up, "I never make messy landings, must have been the extra weight I'm not used to having a rider. You Robin, owe me a massage." I said pointing at him, something caught my nose, 'you know the team is right above us, right?'
"Yup, guys you can come out now."
'Robin keep our connection a secret, I don't need anyone asking questions, and I know you have questions I'll answer them in the ship, if I don't fall asleep first'
The bioship landed in the grass not far from us. Aqualad was the first to get out, I moved behind Robin and wrapped my wings around me.
"So she didn't kidnap you?" He asked.
"No, they were after me and her for some reason, we don't know why, but Klarion was mostly after her." He reported.
Aqualad walked over to me. "Do you know why Witch Boy was after you?"
"Control, over my but I only respect and take orders from one one person." Pain flared up my right arm. I hissed and looked at my arm, blood oozed out of a gash below my shoulder. "How did that get there," black spots filled my vision. "I should sit down." Was all I said and walked over to the ship and sat down in a seat. Robin came up to me.
"Well no wonder you tripped at your landing, you arm was cut." He took a pare of pliers and a flashlight. "There is something in there." He put the flashlight in his mouth and taking one of his hands he held open the wound. With the other he took the pliers and reached in and grabbed a piece of shrapnel. After a series of curse words and tugging he finally had the shrapnel out and was wrapping my wound. "You cuss a lot."
"It comes in the package. Sssss, ow." I hissed and he chuckled. "You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"No," I glared at him, "maybe, okay yes." He finished my arm and walked over to his seat.
I felt exhaustion take over and I slipped into darkness.
((Robin's POV))
I sat there watching her as she fell asleep. God she is beautiful. Did I just say beautiful? Ugh what did Klarion mean about me being her rider? Why is she able to read my mind and speak to me through a permanent mind link?
I have so many questions to ask her.
"I know that look." Said Wally as he sat next to me. "Yyyyoooouuu like her."
"What! No, I don't like her." I said a little too fast.
"Denial! Ha yes you do the last time you had that look was when you were with Barbra."
"Okay maybe a little." I confessed.
"Ask her out, man!"
"Not yet not until I get to know her better."
"Dude she will treat you like gold, you are so blind if you aren't seeing the way she looks at you." He said insisting that she likes me.
"Klarion did say something about her being extremely loyal, that's probably why she told me to escape if she got captured, they would've used me as leverage against her."
"Did you see the mark on her arm. It looks like you're symbol."
"This one?" I pointed to my chest.
"No, a red bird. If you two ever get together keep her and don't ever let her go." Wally said as he walked to his seat next to artemis.
I looked at Hydra, why do I feel this way about someone I practically just met.

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