Go Rot In Your Lamborghini

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                    A red Lamborghini Aventador jetted past my silver Mini Cooper. Mentally cursing, as I slammed on the breaks. What the hell? The Lamborghini, with a squeal of it's tires squeezed between the blue Tahoe and yellow Camaro, with perfection. Damn it! I bit my lip, wincing. Oh, I was beyond pissed. This morning, my gold-digging mother, once again suggested I date this rich fellow, therefore making us get into an argument, making me late to get ready, and also making me very late for school. Which was completely against my ethics. All I wanted was one parking space. But of course! The kids who fund Roswell Academy, get the best parking spots, or someone gets sued for taking it. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel, as I watched Chase Daniels step out in all his glory. His stupid sexiness. I watched him send my Mini Cooper an aggravated look. As if he had the right to be annoyed! Cursing, I slung open my door, pledging to look as mean as I could in my forlorn state.

                                                 "Chase Daniels-" I said with pent up anger, barely brimming over. Taking deep breaths, I stilled myself from punching him in the face. And, that's when he took his dirty blond self, in his leather jacket, and walked right past me like I didn't exist. On the sidewalk, his fan crew swarmed him as he smiled, wrapping his arms around one cheerleader. My lip trembled. My eyebrow twitched. My clenched fists shook. Suppressing a scream, I stepped right back into my Mini Cooper, cranked the stereo up so high that it was considered air polution.


                                  I stepped into the chilly hallways of Roswell Private, my body shaking from anger, still. My fists were clenched as I made my way through the empty hallways. The Hall Monitor, a little nark named Clark, (Yes, I am aware this ryhmes, kind of the point.), who told on everyone except the popular crowd. He was a small fellow, a sophmore, with bright red hair and pale skin and freckles with huge nerdy glasses, and a compulsive knee-knocking problem. He sat at the Hall Monitor's desk, tsking loudly, as I made my way past him, nearly knocking him silly. "Well, May Evers. Who would think Mrs.Perfect would be late?" I gave him my fakest smile, barely showing my teeth.

                        "Well, Clark. Even us perfect people are late sometimes." I emphasized, letting him now he was far from perfect. People like this, who are so arrogant just because their parents have money. Which is practically the whole school. I was the only one they allowed in on scholarship which is pretty amazing, since they didn't even let Avan Goriah, a kid genuis in. 

                                   "May, here's your unexcused late slip. Go to your class as soon as possible. This is not a good way to start off your first term of... What is it? Sophmore year?" I scowled. "Actually, I'm a Junior this year." I cursed at the fact I was terribly short. Nabbing the small pink slip from Clark's clammy hands, I walked away as fast as I could.

                                      My hands were still shaking, as I brought one palm to the dark blue painted locker, and fished the key out of my uniform pocket, nibbling on my lip. (Yes, this school is so elite, instead of locker dials there is keys, which is helpful.) I gathered my books, slinging on my messenger bag. 


               "Well, welcome to class, May." Mr. Green's squinty eyes narrowed even further, and his balding head seemed to bald faster under my watch. Hmm. "Sorry, Mr. Green." I fumbled with my books for a second before showing Mr. Green the pink slip that was wedged in between my books.   

                                                  "Well, Ms. May. Detention... Hm?" I was completely baffled, my eyes widening, staring disbelievingly at Mr. Green's huge bald head. Are you kidding me? "Uhm, sir, this is my first time late...." I explained, hoping he had me confused with someone else that was always late.

                  "Yes, I'm aware, May. But I'm teaching you an inportant lesson. That way you won't be late again!" He said enthusiastically, the mole on his upper lip wiggling while he spoke. "Be here at three, and don't be late." He narrowed his beady eyes, and let me pass behind him as I made a weird face, making the whole class giggle. "Something funny?" Mr.Green snapped, clapping the chalk board with an eraser. "Let us resume. Pardon the interruption." Stupid Roswell. Stupid rich teachers who get paid to shut up about who comes to this school. Stupid freaking-

                              The door creaked open, and a disheveled Chase and a red-head enter, obviously were out partaking in "extra-cirricular" activities. I rolled my eyes, smirking, waiting for Mr. Green to snap at him with his evil little sneer, and hopefully, being the little bitch Chase was- get him fired. Hopefully.

                                The blond, flashing a dazzling smile, his sapphire eyes gleaming with mischeif. His jacket was on crookedly, and his V-neck seemed to be uber small compared to his handsome torso. Damn those abs. His pants, were perfectly fitting on his long legs. I glared at them. He probably had muscles- on muscles- on muscles-... Why am I thinking about this jerkwad? Eugh. 

                                                 The redhead, was really nervous, trying to fix hair when it was already fixed. It's pretty obvious what you two were doing anyways. I rolled my eyes.

             "Sorry I'm late, Henry." I could have choked. Chase just used a teacher's first name... Narrowing my eyes, I looked angrily at Mr. Green waiting for him to snap.  Mr. Green  however gave him a huge smile. Oh... My... God...

                                 "It's quite alright, Chase. You do so much for this school, and, being late once is no problem." It would be okay, if it was once, but it's everyday, and I'm only late once and I get detention, Oh hell no. 

                           Standing up abruptly, my lips puckered angrily like I just ate a lemon. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Mr.Green, in all his ungliness snapped his head towards me, sending me a warning look. "Are you serious?!" I asked infuriated.

               "Pardon?" Chase says politely, sending me a confused look. Oh, you're so innocent. I glared at him.

              "So, I come in late for the first time, and I get a detention? Oh. Really? What makes Chase so special? Is it because of his rich parents!? He comes in late every day- and he doesn't even follow dress code! And you still let him pass by! Everyone does! What is wrong with you? You know what he is? He is a parking space stealer, a bully, an egotistical freak, a giant cocksucking-"

                                                        I stopped there, breathing hard. Well. Just made enemies of about everyone in this class. Even some girls were video-taping this. Shhhhii- 

                                         Chase however, was full-out laughing his ass off, whereas the red head was blushing. "We'll see whose the cocksucker." My face drowned in flames. I'm sure I was red now. Well. Let's just say, I have a small temper. I clenched my fists gathered my books, and brushed past Chase when Mr. Green finally spoke. 

                         "May. Go to the office." I scoffed, and turned around, "I was going before you told me, and you can take your mole, and your additude, and shove it up your-" I stopped, clenched my fists, breathed in and out, and turned back around, almost flipping the bird to the thirty of my classmates clustered in the classroom. A deep voice, just as I closed the door, vowed solely. 

                          "You're going to regret this." I didn't even stop, slamming the door, and marching to the office, head held high.

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