Chapter 13

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I got nothing to say.


Harry watched closely as Louis eyes darted between random objects scattered throughout the room and his eyes. He could literally count the amount of times Louis lips parted to say something only to abruptly shut.

Hands trembling only slightly, Harry fought back the urge to grab hold of Louis fingers to calm him down. Clearly this wasn't how Louis expected the evening to go.

Finally, Louis sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he breathed out, "It was so obvious."

"Excuse me?" The CEO frowned, wondering what kind of response to a confession that was.

His continued to pound heavily in his chest as he waited for Louis to tell him of his actual feelings but realized with dread he would have to wait just a bit longer. It seems as though Louis could barely function let alone confess his emotions.

"It was so obvious!" Louis sprang up from his seat, pacing back and forth like a madman. "The dates, the possessive behavior, the jealousy, why you wanted to crush Liam company and Nick, the bodyguards, how the sex changed from fucking to loving... it was right in front of me, and I didn't see it!"

Harry shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant and calmer than he actually was. "I wasn't trying to hide anything."

"Who else knew?" Louis let out a rugged laugh. "Perrie and Ashton figured out you were confessing today. Luke and Josh probably know too, and if Luke knows then Zayn and Niall... dammit, was I the only one who was clueless?"

Suddenly Louis plopped down on the seat again, staring at his shaking hands.

"It doesn't matter who knows," Harry scooted closer, not touching the boy. "I'd willingly scream my love for you in the middle of a crowded, public place for all I care. What matters is that I do love you and you're the first person I've ever loved."

"Harry," Louis whispered, his body ceasing all movement. "Harry, I'm so sorry. I don't love you."

Harry eyebrows furrowed, his mouth slightly agape and eyes wide with shock. "You don't...?"

"I'm in love with Liam," Louis sadly told him.

His blue eyes were stricken with such pity and sorrow but, from what Harry could tell, no love. After all of their past encounters, all of the secrets shared between them, the idea of rejection never really came to Harry. He figured there would be problems with publicity and Louis might have trouble opening up to Harry with his love, out of fear from what happened with Liam, but never rejection.

"I've always been in love. with Liam, and I probably always will be. I just... I thought we were really good friends who liked to have a little fun on the side. Harry, I'm so sorry."

"No," he blurted out, not understanding why he wasn't angry.

Whenever something complicated happened, whenever he didn't want to deal with the unpleasant emotions something brought him, he resorted to anger. Rage was comfortable, understandable, and easy. Heartbreak and loneliness were not. So why wasn't he lashing out on Louis like he normally would be? Why was he unable to cover up his vulnerability and laugh about how this was a big joke?

"It's fine. You don't have to love me back. I just wanted to tell you that I do." He's really fallen hard for Louis.

Nodding, Louis leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to Harry cheek, as though that would offer some form of comfort. The feeling of Louis lips lingered as the said boy stood up and whispered his apologizes once again, before thoroughly exiting the house.

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