Chapter 2

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"So now onto Avery. There is so much talk about sex tapes, nude scenes in this new movie of yours and half naked pictures of you. What is your story behind all of that?" Lauren asked and I felt everyones eyes on me.

"Okay, first off, there is no ‘nude’ scene in the movie, there isn’t one in the book it was based on, so it wouldn’t even make sense for there to be rumors for one. Sex tapes, all rumor, and even if they are realistic looking, it’s impossible because I don’t believe in just having sex with random guys, plus I don’t have time. Finally, the half naked pictures are basically me with caution tape over my boobs and jeans. Like me wearing a bathing suit." I stated and she nodded.

"Well, we have some of the pictures and it looks like it is defiantly more than that, take a look." we all turned to look at the big screen behind me.

A picture of me with the caution tape and I was running my fingers through my hair popped up and I groaned. Tons of others showed up and they showed more skin each time. She turned back to me and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"That was all from one photo shoot and it was probably one of the worst days of my life." I mumbled and ran my fingers through my blonde hair.

"And why’s that?"

"Because I had absolutely no say in anything that went on. I felt like I was on display." I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at her. “Those were also taken around the time the sex tape rumor started, so it didn’t help with all of that. My own parents didn’t even believe me when I tried to tell them it was fake."

"Did you convince them?"

"Nope. They made me sit at the computer and show them the fake video. I mean, watching porn in general is horrid, but having to watch it with your parents and having them think its you in the video just makes it a thousand times worse." I explained and she gave me a sad look.

"Have you boys ever had to do something similar with your parents?" she asked the members of One Direction who were still sitting to my left.

"I think the only ‘scandalous’ thing any of us have had to deal with is us being drunk or me smoking." Zayn said softly and they all nodded in agreement. They all looked utterly exhausted, and I felt really bad because I know how it feels.

"Alright, well I hope that cleared up some rumors, that is all the time we have today, join us next week when we talk to Justin Bieber! See you then!" she signed off and I leaned back into the couch before being pulled off to the dressing room with my stylist, Jules.

"I canceled the rest of your interviews for today, but John’s not to happy about it." she said softly as she scrubbed the makeup off my face. I sighed and gave her a huge hug before changing into some of my own clothes.

Baggy sweatpants that hang low on my hips, but are my favorite, and my beatles tshirt. I threw my hair into a messy bun and wiped off the last of any makeup before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. I put my sunglasses on and right as I was about to walk through the door, I ran into someone.

I literally almost fell on top of them, but they caught me by my waist.


I felt the same shivers I did when he first touched me again. He steadied me and smiled. I smiled back and took off my sunglasses.

"Avery?" he questioned and I nodded.

"Yep, I took my face off." I sighed and shuffled my feet.

"I think you look better without all that makeup on." he said softly, finally taking his hands off my hips. I blushed and looked down at the ground. “So, um, what else do you have planned for today?"

"Um, I just found out I have the rest of the day off, so I’ll probably just relax, you?"

"Same here, maybe we could all hang out?" he smiled, showing his perfect teeth. He really was attractive, and his olive skin was perfect, along with his eyes and facial structure.

"Yea, you guys want to come over to my flat? It’s in a privet plaza, no way of paparazzi getting in." I suggested and his eyes lit up.

"Sure, I’ll go get the rest of the boys."

Our Little Secret- A Zayn Malik FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now