Chapter 1

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My throat was sora from crying. I don't remember crying so hard.

I nodded goodbye to everyone who exited the church. Black clothes, red tear-stained faces, and sorrow were all you could see from the Church of Christ.

Many people I went to school with were there, giving their condolences to Mrs. Vicki Fritts and her husband. The whole ordeal was upsetting, yet funny. The only funny part was that the funeral is in a church.. And Abby is-was an atheist.


was a victim of the crazy serial killer here in St. Augustine.

She was so young to go.. Only 14.

I'll never forget what she looked like. Shoulder length caramel brown hair, light blue eyes that shown brightly in the moonlight, and pale skin that was covered in freckles. I can't remember her height exactly but.. She was around 5'2. She wasn't skinny, that's for sure, but she had an okay shaped figure.

She was my girlfriend and I loved her endlessly until she was taken from me.. By that cruel man.

"Mr. Alexander?"

I look up to see Abby's mom looking down at me, her mascara was smudged under her eyes. I run a hand through my shaggy, dark brown hair.

"Everyone has left, Timothy.. You can go now." She whispered, her voice breaking. I nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I sighed and started to walk away. The air washed over my tears and I blinked back fresh ones that were starting to spring up at the sight of Abby's parents leaving.

"Tim?" I turned to my mom and dad, who were blotchy faced, holding onto one another.

"Come on Hunny.." My mother cooed out to me and held her hand out for me to take.

I snapped my hand back harshly and turned away from them.

"NO! Don't, if you get too close to me then you'll just end up like Abby, an empty shell in the ground!"

"TIMOTHY MARCUS ALEXANDER!!" My mother exclaimed. She glared down at me while she took a loud, deep breath.

"I know your just saying that out of anger, dear, but that was terribly rude! Now get in the car." She pointed.

I grumble a curse word and let out a huff as I climbed into the tan Honda Civic.

As I buckled my seatbelt and pulled out my iPod. I turned the volume up all the way and listened to the loudest music I could to get my mind off of Abby.

After about ten minutes of driving, my phone vibrated, indicating that I had a text. I looked down.

Unknown Number: Buckle Up, Timmy.. You're in for a wild ride.

I sat, confused. Who was this? How do they know my name? What did they mean by 'wild ride'..?!

I started to text back. "Who is"

I was interrupted by the sound of my mother's scream, my dad's scream, an and the sound of tires screeching on the pavement. I looked up to see my dad fling his arm in front of my mom's body while he turned the steering wheel fiercely to the left.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. My mom's eyes growing huge, my phone shooting out of my hand and into my dads seat, and then ricochetting right back at me.

Pain erupted into my nose and I howled in pain. My mom turned back and screamed her last words to me before the car flipped upside down and the ceiling grew closer and closer and I fell unconscious when my head slammed into the window.

"I love you."

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