1st Contest - How Did You Get Into K-Culture Drabble [CLOSED]

64 3 1

What is a Drabble you say?
It is a short and precise piece of fiction writing that is exactly 100 words.
It can be off any genre including fanfiction. Usually focuses on one main character with one plot, but you can have a twist and some humour, etc.

What do we want you to write about?
Either how you got into korean culture or how you got someone into it, you can talk about it through kpop or kdrama or another means.
But WAIT.... Although it would be daebak as a true story you can make it up. Whether you Base it of truth or make it up, just write it as descriptive as possible as a story format.

E.g Write it in stages of how you can get to the dark side
Or the feelings and emotions of discovering something new
Or you could write it as a Diary

-> 100 words precisely (that's the fun in the challenge ;))
-> Any POV including second person
-> Any tense
-> 1 or 2 characters only (can be yourself, friends, OC, etc)
-> Good title, description and cover
-> Grammar should at least be readable
-> Written in English (or write in your language and post a translation as a 2nd chapter)

~ Winner: Entry will go in Winners book, Shout out (@Miss101010), Dedication (@PelinYlmazer or @VelenneDanielle) & One of us will read and vote and comment on one of your books of your choice.
~ 1st Runner up: Shout out, a Share on your entry, dedication, a Share on one of your books
~2nd Runner Up: Shout out, a Share on your entry, dedication

How to enter:
- Create it as a new book
- Tags section: Drabble, Korean Culture, Contest One
- either follow us and DM or post link in comments section

20th of January 11:59 PM GMT
- winners will be announced at the end of the month as another chapter

Picture - Google picture of korean culture
Video - How to get into Kpop by JREKML (youtuber)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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