"I have a what?"

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*Bobby's pov*
Bobby was at his desk, having just heard news that would change the Winchesters lives forever. "Sam has a what?"
"A daughter, please I can't take care of Bethany anymore." The sick mother rasped on the other end. "I was told to call you." She pleaded on.
"Okay, alright I'll see what Sam says. Though I ain't putting any bets he's gonna say yes." Bobby says.
*Sam's point of view*
"I have a what? Say that again Bobby, I think you said that I have a daughter?" Sam sat back in his chair, and lost his page in a lore book.
"Yes Sam, and her name's Bethany!" Bobby replied on the phone.
"Bethany." Sam repeated, letting it sink in.
"And the mother knows, and she's sick and can't take care of her anymore." Bobby explains.
"We're hunters Bobby, we can't take care of some girl!"
"She's a Winchester, deal with your mistakes." Sam could tell Bobby was rolling his eyes at him through the phone.
"Fine, I'll give it a try." Sam sighs and hangs up. "Hey Dean! I just got some interesting news from Bobby." Sam calls.
"What kind of news?" Dean asks, walking into the doorway of Sam's room in the bunker.
"Well apparently I have a daughter." Sam answers.
"You have a what?" Dean asks after nearly spitting pie that he had with him, since it was early morning.
"I know! That's what I said! Bobby just told me that the mother was told to call him." Sam replies.
"Well, that kid can't stay with us, we're the Winchesters!" Dean says while shoving his mouth full of pie.
"Well like Bobby said, she's a Winchester too!" Sam argues farther. Dean shook his head like his little brother had gone crazy. "Dean, let's at least try." He said and pulled away from his desk.
"Fine, but if anything happens it is on you!" Dean replies reluctantly and waves his fork in the air dismissively and turns away with a swish of his bathrobe.

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