Mafia!Top!Male!Reader x Investigator!Bot!Levi

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Caution: Intense Yaoi, Very dominant Reader, RAPE, bondage (I think)


You ran, jumping over the small gaps between the buildings. The city was so small that the buildings were crammed tightly together. You, a largely known mafia boss, was being chased by the investigator who specialized in your case. Levi Ackerman, as informed by the info broker. You had a plan for today, and it involved leading Levi to the abandoned warehouse. As you approached the warehouse, you smirked and looked behind at the investigator. Levi was panting lightly and still chasing you dutifully.You grinned lewdly and made your way into the warehouse. As Levi dashed in, you slammed the door and chained it locked before Levi could register where you were. You turned around to be met with a fist to the face. You flew about 10 feet backward before regaining your bearings. You gave Levi a closed-eye smile and he growled. He charged at you with his fist drawn. You got your pistol out and aimed it threateningly at him.
'God why did I have to fall in love with him...?' You thought sadly.
Levi stopped and blinked twice, then gave you a look,
"That ain't fair. You have a gun and I don't. You up for a fistfight?"
"Yeah I'd like that..." You drifted off, gazing lovingly at him.
Levi snapped his fingers twice in front of your face. You shook your head and prepared to fight.

Levi charged and tried to grab you, and you side-stepped. You moved behind him and pushed him onto the ground gently. You felt the lust overtake you as your eyes clouded over. Levi whimpered a bit and shifted uncomfortably under you. You handcuffed him on his back and shifted him onto his back. You picked up your pistol and put it to his chest.
"W-what are you doing you shit? I-if you're going to kill me then hurry up!," Levi huffed and looked to the side.
"K-kill? Hell no Levi. If you haven't noticed, I sort of have a major crush on you. Now... I'm gonna ravish you into oblivion... I'm gonna cum inside you... You're going to struggle under me until you have no strength anymore. So just lean back and enjoy..." You trailed off into fantasy again.

You got off and stood to your full height of about 6 feet, then gingerly placed your right foot, clad in combat boots, (A bit weird for a mafia boss I know I'm a bit rebellious) on Levi's crotch, rubbing him gently as he propped himself on his forearms.
"Ah~ H-hey you- you can't be s-serious? Right!?" Levi panicked.
You rubbed slightly more harshly and he moaned slightly louder in his masculine voice. Just like music to your ears. You stopped rubbing him after about a minute, then leaned down to slowly remove his pants. You pulled down Levi's boxers and his face turned a bright shade of red. You whistled.
"Dang. Levi you're huge," You raised an eyebrow. "And hard," You added.
Levi blushed harder. You lifted his legs and his body weight was now resting on his head and neck. You positioned the pistol level with his entrance as he shifted a bit more. He looked down at you and his eyes widened.
"Now... I'm going to fuck your tight little ass... I'm gonna violate you until you have no more self-esteem left. I'll fuck you so hard you'll become mine..." You announced.
"H-hey! What are you doing you little shit!?" He yelled.
You ignored him and shoved the pistol up his ass. He let out a loud girlish moan. Thank Mother Russia or whatever for the huge warehouse.
"O-ooi... wh-what are you... guh... what are you d-doing...?" He whimpered. "T-take it out... you bastard what if the gun goes off!?"
"How interesting. A detective dies after being shot in his dick. Nice," You expressed sarcastically. "Look. You're already this hard. And hot... you really wanna come, right? Tell you what. You beg me like a dog, then I'll take it out, yeah?"
Levi pondered silently for a moment before his lips parted,
"P-please... take the gun... out..." He whimpered.
"How about no?"
"Wh-what!? You bitching piece of-" You socked his gut.
Levi coughed and and wretched.
"Come on, Levi. You know how this works... you were a thug once... before that bitch Erwin came along... If I let you go, it's too easy.
Levi shifted to his side as if tossing around on a bed. You positioned him on the floor, flat on his back. You moved to his ear and licked it gently. Levi twitched.
"Ready? I'm gonna go inside you and make you mine. I'm really possessive... You're gonna struggle hard. At the end, you're gonna cry and beg to come," You explained, stuffing a large wad of cloth into his mouth.

~3rd point of view~

[M/n] unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers, leaning downward. He pushed Levi's legs back so his weight was resting on his shoulder blades. [M/n] roughly sheathed himself into Levi.
"Mmphh... Ngh!" Levi struggled and jerked.
[M/n] looped his arm below Levi's knees, forcing his legs apart. [M/n] pushed downward, sheathing himself into Levi. [M/n] grunted.
"Damn... Levi you're a better fuck than a girl..." [M/n] commented.
"Ngh! Nh Mh Nfgh!" Levi retorted, vigorously shaking his head while trembling.
[M/n] reached for Levi's twitching manhood, giving it a rough squeeze to prevent him from cumming prematurely.
"Nnnnngh..." Levi groaned out.
"You know, I think the people I work with aren't surprised the amount of things I can do with a tie," [M/n] suddenly said.
Levi gave him a random 'What? We're in the middle of fucking and you say that random shit?' face. It is a very complex face.
"What? I'm a mafia boss what do you want?" [M/n] exclaimed, wrapping the tie around Levi's throbbing length and tying a tight reef knot around it.
"Ghh..." Levi groaned.
[M/n] gave him a sarcastic look and thrust in roughly as he could. Levi moaned and shook his head even more vigorously. [M/n] smirked and changed angles. He thrust in experimentally and Levi threw his head back. Levi's eyes rolled back into his head as he let out a rather loud groan. [M/n] smirked and shoved himself in more harshly. Levi squirmed and wriggled.
"Ghhh! Ngh! Eggggghhhh!!!" Levi moaned.
"Come on. Don't you want to come? Say something," You teased.
"Eh Heh Heh Kahhh!" Levi begged.
'I can't take this shit...' Levi thought, tears leaking down beside his eyes.
"Adorable! Are you crying...?" [M/n] asked teasingly.
[M/n] removed the cloth from Levi's mouth and Levi panted.
"You... [M/n] you... Guh. You bastard..." Levi whimpered.
"So do you want to cum?" [M/n] asked stoically, shoving forward once again.
"Ah! Y-yes...!" Levi begged half-heartedly.
You tilted your head mockingly.
"No 'please'?" You asked.
"P-please..." Levi shook his head weakly.
You slipped off the knot and Levi came hard onto his stomach, tightening around you.
"Guhhhhh.... Ngggghhhhhh...." You groaned at the tightness.

After a few more harsh thrusts and shoving Levi forward with his force, [M/n] shoved the hardest he ever did and the deepest.
"Gah! Agh!" Levi shook and shuddered.
"Urgh.... Aarrrgggghhhhhhh" [M/n] groaned lowly, cumming hard into Levi.
Levi squeezed his eyes shut as his head lolled to the side. Levi whined loudly as you collapsed on his exhausted body. Levi turned to you weakly.
"Ngh..." He grunted.
"So... will you become mine...?" You asked hopefully.
"Okay..." Levi managed.
"Yay!" You exclaimed, hugging Levi lovingly.
"Hey put on my damn clothes first..." Levi said before collapsing into your arms.
'Is he a virgin...?' [M/n] thought.

[M/n] gingerly put Levi's clothes on properly, holding up the pistol and pulling Levi into his arms lovingly. [M/n] pulled the trigger and a resounding 'Bang' echoed in the empty warehouse, but no bullet holes appeared.
"Idiot... the pistol was never loaded in the first place," [M/n] said to himself.
"Oww! [M/n] my ass hurts like a bitch!" Levi complained.
"That's because you never did anything like that before... and on to the conclusion from yesterday, you belong to me now!" [M/n] exclaimed, glomping Levi and rubbing their cheeks together.
"B-but..." Levi protested, but found nothing to support his point.
"I'll take care of your job. They think you're dead but I'll tell them later. Now, it is time for round 2!" [M/n] pulled away, gripping Levi's shoulders lightly.
"Uh... o-okay..." Levi gazed down shyly, feeling his pants get pulled down...

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