The Enemy is Shyness!

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[NoraG] Confident!Yato x Shy!Male!Regalia!Reader

I wandered around the suburban area, observing the random human activities. Gods' popularity had dropped as the eras changed, and thus regalia's popularity also fell. I soon saw a brown-haired girl with a translucent hot pink tail. I saw a large frog outside the school building. Another monster. Soon a small dark bluish purple blur flashed above the monster. It collapsed. The blur stopped moving and I saw that it was YatoGami. I watched in awe as he smirked. His sword turned into a girl and she groaned. She shouted something incomprehensible and walked off. Yato scratched the back of his head and shifted awkwardly.

I took a second to process. Yato, a god, had no regalia. I can finally be his regalia! I ran over to him immediately.

"Hi...!" I greeted coyly.
"Oh hello. You must be a regalia. Do you have a master?" Yato asked.
"Uh... no... I um... I wanted to... uh..." I stuttered. Yato came closer.
"What!? I can't hear! Speak up!" Yato commanded.
"I-I... uh... never mind..." I mumbled, and ran off.

I was in the mall, sitting invisibly on a bench beside Merlin, my best friend. Merlin shoved me back softly. He put his hands on his hips.
"Come on [M/n]. You seriously gave up because he shouted at you? Come on, you want the place way more than that," Merlin scolded. He was on an off day from his boss, who only had enough income for one regalia and herself. He came to see me, and started ranting about confidence and wanting to me after I had retold my story of encounter with Yato.
"I-It's not a big deal... really..." I mumbled.
"Are you kidding me? You've wanted to be his regalia for forever. Now you suddenly give up? Seriously!?" Merlin ridiculed.
"I-It's okay... I-I'm fine o-on my own..." I panicked.
"I won't accept it!" Merlin announced, and grabbed my arm. He pulled me out of the mall to find Yato.

~After a while of searching~

I tugged my arm, tired of being dragged around like a rag doll. Smoke rose out of the ground around me.
"I'm tired of being dragged around okay!? I'm fine without a Master! Okay whatever so maybe I want to be Yato's regalia. Maybe I got rejected, but I'm completely fine!" I raged.
"Wow! That's some real confidence! I like that!" Yato suddenly popped out of thin air.
"Now that. That is what I wanted to happen," Merlin stated with a smirk.
"HEY! YOU WANNA BE MY REGALIA!?" Yato invited enthusiastically.
"Oh my Yato! Ahhhhh!!!!!" I screamed, and started running away faster than a Frenchman.
"Hey! What happened!?" Yato called, running after me.
"G-go away! I-I shouldn't have shouted...!" I shouted shyly.
"Hey! It's okay! I like you anyway!" Yato shouted.
"R-really?" I asked softly.
"Yeah!" He said. I slowed down to a stop.
"S-so... you'll take me as a regalia...?" I asked.
"Yeah! But you'll have to work hard! I wanna build a shrine!" Yato said, making a peace sign.
"O-okay! I'll work really really hard!" I agreed. Merlin come over.
"See? You could do it. All you really have to do, is stop being so afraid," Merlin said, giving a close-eye smirk.
"I-I'm not afraid!" I interjected.
"Uhuh. Well, I gotta go! Master's calling and my day off is over! See ya!" Merlin gave a mock salute and ran off.

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