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" So for Perrie's sake, I'm Niall. I'm from Ireland and I'm gay." Perrie was shocked at his openness,

" Don't think I'm crazy, I'm not. But my parents would never want a gay son. So they sent me here, thinking I was depressed and stuff. They're depressing.' he said with a laugh, " but yeah, that's my story"

"Liam?" Jade asked.

"Well I'm Liam, and I'm from Wolverhampton" he directed at Perrie.

" My parents sent me here because they believe that I am extremley abusive, I'm not Perrie, so it was here or jail." he said summarizing his life in a paragraph, wow.


"I'm Jesy and I got bullied so I got sent here, nothing much else really" Jesy stated, Perrie then started to assess her own situation figuring out what she'd say


"I'm Leigh Anne but just call me Leigh. I was diagnosed anorexic a few years back and got sent here."

"Zayn" Jade didn't even ask him, the boy with heaps fog tattoos, dark skin and a very hot haircut, according to Perrie. She listened very intently to his story.

"I'm Zayn, obviously miss t over here said that already" earning a glare from Jade

"Hurry up druggie, we don't have all day" Harry pushed Zayn slightly

"Fine, I smoked and shit, got in trouble, got sent here. Like everyone else."

"Ugh, I'll go. I'm bipolar and um yeah" Jade said like it was nothing, Perrie admired all of their courage to speak up like this.

"Im Harry, and I,like Jadey, have depression"

"I'm Sophiana and I'm insane" the group gasped at her short story obviously never heard it before, " guys we all knew it, calm down" The one boy Perrie had not met yet got up off his seat at Harry's bed to go and hug the girl, Perrie thought about when she had bumped into her in the hall, she seemed completely normal, it was weird how they could hide it like they did.

"Just me left I suppose, I'm Louis and Im a recovering drug addict" he said with a nod, he still held Sophiana by her waist, Perrie made a mental note to ask Jade about them later. But it was her time to talk

" I'm Perrie and I'm dyslesxic and bullimic" Perrie felt so amazing to have that off of her chest, to have a group of people that would hopefully support her was something she really needed.

~ she really just needed a shoulder to cry on ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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