Chapter 6- The worst news possible

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Chapter 6

Margret was not looking forward to seeing August, he had always tried to make James care about Daisy.  But James never showed any type of affection towards Daisy. Margret just associated August with her ex-boyfriends lack of care for his daughter, not that Daisy still counted as James’ daughter. He had given Margret no child-support money, no love or care to her while she was pregnant, he didn’t even call them to ask how his daughter was doing! So, as far as Margret was concerned, James didn’t count as Daisy’s father.

August was nice. In the first few years of Daisy’s life had brought James over once a month, against James’s will, of course. When Margret needed a place to live because she was evicted, August let her and Daisy live at his house for a month. But then James came over to see his brother, and found out about Margret and Daisy living with his brother, he had a fit. He broke the plates that were on the table, threw the pillows off the couch and hit Daisy. For weeks Daisy had a swollen black eye, at only three years old, the plum-sized welt on Daisy’s face was a warning to Margret, don’t try to make me love your daughter, she means as much to me as a stray dog. Without a thought to where she and Daisy would go, he made them leave.

But just because August had been nice to her ten years ago did not mean he was a good detective, or still a good person for that matter.

Pushing negative thoughts out of her head she went upstairs. Today was the first in two years that Margret took a day off of work. She only worked so much because Margret remembered the days of living on the street, never really being full. She didn’t want Daisy to experience that again, if she ever found Daisy. Putting on a pair of black jeans and a green-blue blouse, Margret looked at the picture of Daisy when she was five and had ice cream smeared on her face and the bright look in her eyes that showed she was really enjoying herself. The picture reminded her that she no longer had a daughter coming home at 4:00 and calling her, Margret wouldn’t hear all about Daisy’s day, sign any tests, make dinner for two, help with homework, or hug her daughter. Daisy. Daisy. Daisy, I will find you, wait for me.  Margret thought and a pang of loneliness swept through her as she realized that she was alone.


At the outdoor café Margret spotted August sitting at a table, sorting through some papers. She walked towards his table and noticed how his hair looked so much like the hair of James the she used to love to look at, it was a dark-honey like, golden brown color. Margret shook her head, as though to remove silly thoughts of James from her mind.

“Hi, August.” Margret said once she neared the table that he had been sitting at.

“Oh, hello Margret.” August returned the greeting. He picked up all his papers and shoved them in his briefcase. “ Well, I think we should order the food first and then get down to business. What do you think?”

“Yeah, okay.” Margret replied absent mindedly. She was caught off guard. August looked like James, but they were so different. August asked what she thought and wanted to do, James never did that, it was always what he said goes. Margret liked this, it made her feel important, the only person who she ever felt wanted or needed around was Daisy.

“I will have the turkey and avocado sandwich on rye bread.” August’s voice brought Margret out of her thoughts and back into reality.

“ Umm. . .” muttered Margret as she scanned the menu. “ I will have the  shrimp salad.”

The food came and August got down to business, asking all sorts of questions about Margret, about Daisy. When Margret brought up the phone message, August was overjoyed, he demanded she play it now.

Margret had no problem with this and brought her phone out to replay the message.

“ Hey Mom it is Daisy.” Pause.

“ Umm . . . yeah, a man is following me and really creeping me out.” Pause.

“ He is wearing a black hoodie and . . . he has long blond hair, a mustache, and he is wearing loose jeans. He has a sharp pointed nose and greenish grey eyes. ” Pause “ I know he doesn’t sound threating but,” pause “ okay, okay.” Pause.

“ Sorry mom, I won’t bother you with the chance of me dying anymore. Love you, bye.” At the sound of her daughters voice, Margret had to fight the urge not to break down and cry.

“ Well, I can tell you know two things. Good or bad first?”

“ Good.” Margret wanted to hear something good, even if it would be followed by sad news.

“ I can tell from the description of the man who it is. Ryan Heather. I can also say he is in the state. Even if he drove from the time of the end of your phone call until now he wouldn’t be out of the state.  ”

“ Bad?”

“ He is wanted criminal number one, he had kidnapped and murdered over 15 people. He has raped countless underage girls. He is known for kidnapping, torturing , then painfully murdering the people he steals. He has your daughter.”

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