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Blearily sitting up, Poe Dameron shook his head. As his senses slowly came back to him, he heard quiet breathing coming from next to him. He looked down.

It was Winter. His little sunshine.

Quietly he lifted her head from the uncomfortable position on the chair, to his lap. She didn't wake.

Brushing the hair out of her eyes, he gingerly pressed his lips against her forehead. She still didn't wake. So his lips continued downward, kissing the corner of her mouth and the tip of her nose. Her eyes slowly opened to another sweet kiss being pressed to her jawline.

"Poe! You're awake!" Her incredibly tired eyes struggled to keep open as her soft voice began to grow excited. "I'm sorry, I was sleeping-"

"Shh," he said quietly. "You need to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." Her eyelids fluttered shut as he pulled her exhausted body into the bed, covering her in the warm, soft blankets. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to him as he nuzzled his head into her neck.

"I hope this can be our confession." he said quietly.

"What confession?" Her ever-slowing senses awoke for a moment.

"I love you. Since the day I took you home."

"I love you too. So much, God, so much." she choked out.

Three weeks later, life was good. The First Order had retreated into the darkest corner of the galaxy, hopefully too weak to carry on.

New recruits had been pouring in, Rey was now training and Finn had become one of Winter's best friends. Poe, Winter, and Finn had an incredible amount of fun together, and you could hear their laughter from across the base when they were together.

Poe and Winter were now in a relationship, and the whole squadron that Poe had jurisdiction over constantly teased him. General Organa was the cutest and would playfully poke at Winter and ask things like, "So, when is the wedding?" and "Is the baby coming soon?"

Everything was good. That was, until Kalyn joined.

Kalyn Stryder was basically in a few words, a model, but like, a genius model.

She was an amazing pilot, a serious engineer, and was incredible at hand-to-hand combat. Not as good as Winter (who had been physically trained for years, and the training was life or death), of course, but close. Not only did she have all of those wonderful qualities, she was gorgeous. Insanely gorgeous.

Her layered, soft dark hair (that seemed to always be perfectly styled) fell to the small of her back and her perfect blemish-free skin was always bared in large quantities, which sent most of the men on the base into spasms. Her wide, green eyes made her face look younger and a lot more innocent than it actually was, and her pink lips always seemed to be pursed into a small, saccharine smile. Oh, and her figure was incredible, even in the orange pilot jumpsuit her small waist was visible and her wide hips and large breasts made her the talk of the town.

Oh, and she had her eyes set on Poe. He was the boy she wanted, of course, since Winter finally settled and found someone who cared about her too, why would some new, perfect girl not come traipsing in and sweep him away. Because that's how it worked. Winter was actually happy for just enough time to feel the hope that it might last, and then it would be taken from her.

But she was not going down without a fight.

Poe was the closest person she ever had in her life and she was not about to let some gorgeous, infallible genius ruin it.

After about two weeks, she started to notice Poe spending more and more time with Kalyn. They'd go flying together often, she'd take him to go off alone somewhere, he'd even asked her to accompany him in a meeting. And she wasn't blind, Winter saw it, she slowly watched the fire of joy that once burned bright in her life, dwindle into embers.

And if she was honest, she wanted to die. After Kalyn was promoted to Commander alongside Poe, she lost it. She should have been celebrating with the others, but she was so so heartbroken. So she snuck out of the ceremony before anyone saw her crying, but someone did. Actually, a few people did. So as the ceremony ended and the party began, the once lonely spots next to her in the grass became filled. She didn't look up; she didn't want it to be Poe. So she sat for another 5 minutes until realizing that these people weren't going away, and as she turned, she burst into tears. Chewie, her buddy since she had been brought to the base was making a little daisy chain out of the blooming flowers spread across the grass, and to her left, Finn sat. Chewie slowly sat a little crown of flowers in her hair, and Finn scooted a little closer.

"We saw you sneak out earlier. What's wrong?" he asked. Her sobs grew even more heart-wrenching as she clutched Chewbacca's chest. Finn, trying to calm her down, changed the subject. "Rey came back to visit. She wanted to see you, she missed you a lot."

"Really?" she lifted her teary gaze into his eyes.

"Yeah, let me go find her. She can help you out, she's better with feelings than I am."

"Okay." she whispered, watching her hands in her lap as Chewie ran his hands through her hair.

"What's wrong?" Chewie asked.

"I'm scared. Kalyn has Poe wrapped around her finger and I'm terrified he's going to fall in love with her, has he not already. Every time I start feeling okay with myself, someone comes and takes it away! I'm never ever going to be happy in my life, ever-" Chewie growled.

"Poe loves you, it will always be that way."

"No it won't," she sobbed. "No, it won't."
"Hey, sorry to cut off your conversation, but Rey, I need to talk to you." Finn said, breaking apart Rey, Kalyn, and Poe. Seeing the intensity in his eyes, Rey complied.

As they walked away, Kalyn drew closer to Poe. "Hey, where's your girlfriend? She's been pretty moody lately, hasn't she?" her voice drew a more sultry tone as she turned to look him in the eyes. He shifted a little bit on one foot, and grew a little uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Um, I don't know, I think I might go look for her actually." With that, he turned around, disappearing into the crowd.

Kalyn nearly growled. Inhaling deeply, she told herself to calm down before she caused the drink glass in her hand to shatter. Poe was completely in love with Winter, this was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

Hey! I'm back with a new chapter! This one is over 1,000 words so I'm really happy and I hope you guys enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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