Chapter 6

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              Andrew P.O.V

I was mad as hell I really like Arie and now she gots 3 dudes over at her house. And there in her ROOM her fucking ROOM. But I guess I can't be to mad because if her brother allows it I guess I can't be that bad because he don't let any guy around her he told me if I try any thing I will die. I just sat on the couch to settle down.
I started to doze of.
              Aries P.O.V

After we went up stairs we just talked an stuff. Then we decide to go to the mall. We all went down stairs to leave. And of course I have to tell my " boss " Andrew.

Andrew - Oh hell NO you stay her with that fast ass.
Me -  I'm 17 I can do what ever I want  u don't tell what the fuck I can do and Dre said it was fine. And btw I'm not a fast ass.

That is true I did ask him and he said it was fine I just had to be home a 8:00pm. I didn't want to talk to Andrew. He acts like he owns me and  shit. And for him to calling me a fast ass. The first day of school he slapped my ass. But I'm the fast ass. So with that we all walked out and waked to the mall.

              * At Mall *

When we got to mall we were hungry. So we stopped at the food court first and me and Blake and Weston went to Wendy's.  After we ordered and got our food we went and sat down. Tbh I don't know we're the girls went. I seen Mark getting food at the chines place. But I didn't see the girls. I texted them and asked were they were and they never answered. After Mark got his food he disappeared too. Like what the fuck. After we ate me and Blake and Weston all went to nike. I got some lebron 13s and so socks.  I cashed out and the lady gave me a hard time.

Lady- um you do know this is like 358 dollars right.
Me- ya I know now can u cash me out
Lady- do u even have money for this. You look like u only have like $20.
Me- bitch I have more money then what u make. Now fucking cash me out.

She did what I said and with that I left I fucking hate that girl I get her every time. When I turned around all I seen was Blake.

Me- where's Weston?
Blake- idk he just left.
Me- where are they going? Are u going to leave next.
Blake- no

So it was now just me a Blake we stopped at underarm-our , pink ,
Forever 21 , footlocker and some other places.  It was now 11:00 and Blake and I wanted to go see a movie. We ended up seeing " grandmas home " ( don't know if it's a real movie ) it was a scary movie. I can't lie I was pretty scared. Blake had to hold me. When the movie was over it was 12:07 so then we to laser tron
And we did goat carting and that laser tag thing and we also did some bowling.  It was a pretty fun day. By the time we were done. It was almost 4:00. So we went and at at red lobster. As we were walking in who do I see. My brother my mom and dad. I looked at Blake and he said.

Blake- I thought they were in jail?
Me- they were in jail they were supposed to be there for 3 years.

I look over at my brother and I see him giving my mom and dad some drugs. And they all got up and left.
Me and Blake sat down and we got are food and ate. After that we went to my house I'm going to sleep over Blakes house because my mom and dad are home now. We got to my house and we went upstairs so I can get some clothes. My mom and dad were down stairs. But we just ignored them. After I was down packing Blakes mom picked us up. My mom , dad and brother were not happy that I was going over there. I don't consider my mom as my mom I consider Blakes mom as my mom. That may sound rude but it's true.
Blakes mom was not so happy she almost punched my mom. She would of but Blake held her back. My mom was being so rude to me calling me a hoe and that I'm gonna have like 17 babies by the time. I'm done with school.
Down below is all about Weston , Blake , and Mark
( btw this is a POV of Arie)
Blake is 18 years old. He has this nice flowing hair. He is 6'2 and has a brother. ( won't come up in the book) He lives with his mama and we are best friends we are closer then me and the girls. We know each other scene we were 6. I like him as friend and more but I don't want to ruin are relation ship.

Mark is 17. He is 5'11. He has a sister and he lives with his mom and dad. He is best friends with Blake they are really close and they always hang out. We are just friends nothing more nothing less.

Weston is 18 he is 5'9. He lives with his mom and dad and he has a sister.  You can swear he's gay he acts like it and sometimes talk like it. But he not he is straight. He is also supper funny.

       3 chapters in 1 day 😄😊
I'm gonna try to upload a chapter on every Wednesday some Wednesday I won't because I have gymnastics.
       😊Hope you enjoy😄

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