Love letters to the death

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♡ You can be noble and brave and beautiful and still find yourself falling.

♡ I know I wrote letters to people with no address on this earth, I know that you are dead. But I hear you. I hear all of you. We were here. Our lives matter.

♡ When we are in love, we are both completely in danger and completely saved.

♡ You think you know someone, but that person always changes, and you keep changing, too. I understood it suddenly, how that's what being alive means. Our own invisible plates shifting inside of our bodies, beginning to align into the people we are going to become.

♡ But we aren't transparent. If we want someone to know us, we have to tell them stuff.

♡ There are a lot of human experiences that challenge the limits of our language," she said. "That's one of the reasons that we have poetry.

♡ Sometimes when we say things, we hear silence. Or only echoes. Like screaming from inside. And that's really lonely. But that only happens when we weren't really listening. It means we weren't ready to listen yet. Because every time we speak, there is a voice. There is the world that answers back.

♡ There's more to life than being a passenger.

♡ Truth is beautiful, no matter what the truth is. Even if it's scary or bad. It is beauty simply because it's true. And truth is bright. Truth makes you more you.

♡ I wish you could tell me where you are now. I mean, I know you're dead, but I think there must be something in a human being that can't just disappear. It's dark out. You're out there. Somewhere, somewhere. I'd like to let you in.

♡ May, I love you with everything I am. For so long, I just wanted to be like you. But I had to figure out that I am someone too, and now I can carry you, your heart with mine, everywhere I go.

♡ Nirvana means freedom. Freedom from suffering. I guess some people would say that death is just that. So, congratulations on being free, I guess. The rest of us are still here, grappling with all that's been torn up.

♡Und seit sie nicht mehr da ist fällt es mir irgendwie schwer , ich selbst zu sein,weil ich nicht mehr genau weiß, wer ich eigentlich bin.

Auch wenn so ziemlich alles Englisch ist, hab ich doch noch ein Deutsches...

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